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Peridots POV

"You have one of my own," She sighed. "She was caught in OUR territory, selling to OUR people, and besides, she's gone so, you can take back the place mom and dad left you." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Squairidot, I don't have time for this." She shrugged.

"Well, I'm not giving her back. My gang wants her dead, so you should just leave." I growled but exhaled in defeat. There's no way I can take them alone, plus I don't want Lapis to get hurt. I hopped on the bike, and lapis followed. I glared at my sister. "I'm coming back for her." She scoffed

I started the bike and pulled off. I should take her home. She doesn't need to be involved with any of this. I headed to Lapis's house.
When we arrived, Lapis looked up. "Why are we at my house." I sighed. "Go home, lapis." She took off the helmet. "What?! No, we gotta get your leader or something back, right?!"

"Lapis, this is something you don't understand with people you don't know!" She got off the bike and walked to my side. "Peridot, I can help." I glared at her. "What are you gonna do!?! You'll probably have to kill someone if you stay with me!!! And there's no way you're capable of something like that!" I sighed. "Lapis, this stuff isn't easy."

She shook her head. "Obviously," She grabbed my hand and gently pulled me off the bike. "But I care about you if I already didn't make that clear. I wanna be there every step of the way." She pulled me into a hug. Her arms were soft and warm.

I melted into the hug. "But what if you get hurt." She rubbed my back. "I don't care about that. I just want to support you." Nobody has ever cared for me like that... besides my mom. Lapis has way too much control over my emotions, but I can't help but be with her.

She pulled back from the hug and looked at me. "Peridot, let me stay with you. Just for a little bit." I shook my head."Are you crazy?! Yo-" "You want me to know you, right? Give me a chance to see life in your perspective, " I stared at her in awe.

There's no way I could let her do that! She could be hurt or worse. But she's trying to understand me, which is honestly... Pretty nice. I bit my thumb, trying to think. She tilted her head and gave me puppy dog eyes. "Please." Resist... No... NOOOO... "N-yes." Fuck.

She jumped up in the air in excitement and hugged me tightly. "YASSSSS." I giggled. "Go get some clothes, and I'll wait right here." She ran inside her house.


I picked out some clothes and some PJs. I wonder if they have showers.

Fuck, I gotta tell my mom. I got out my phone and texted her.

Me: Hi mom, I'm staying over Peri's house for a little bit, okay?

Mom: Okay, just use protection.

Me: Mom were girls, and we're not like that

Mom: I'm joking

Me: Whatever mom :3 Love you💙

Mom: Love you too

I put my phone in my bag along with everything else. I picked up my charger and locked the house up. I walked outside and accompanied Peridot.

We rode back to her building and made it to her room. She laid across her bed and stretched. I felt the bed with my hand. How am I gonna sleep on this? "You wanna know how it is to be me, right," She patted on the bed, gesturing me to lay next to her.

I hesitantly sat down and heard a loud creak. "Why is your bed so noisy?" She grabbed my shoulder and guided my back against the worn-out mattress. "Because my job doesn't pay for it. You get what you get." I got under the cover.

"How long have you had this bed." She bit her thumb. "Since I was born, I guess." I felt the brittle pillow under me. "Can we at least watch tv." She shrugged.

I picked up the remote control next to me on the nightstand and pressed several buttons until something happen. I clicked every button on it, but it never worked. Not even the power button. I got frustrated and put the remote down.

I sighed. "I'm going to bed," She yawned "Same." I scooted closer to Peridot and wrapped my arms around her. "What are you doing." I smiled. "I wanna cuddle." She pushed me back. "No." I moved her hands from my shoulders.

"Can you at least tell me how you feel. You left me hanging when I confessed." She turned over, her back facing me. "Does it matter?" I reached over her and cupped her face with my hand, slowly turning her back towards me. "It matters to me."

She put her hands over her face. "I... It's hard explaining how I feel." I moved her hand. "You don't have to talk just... Show me." She had a light blush and averted my gaze.

She looked back up and leaned forward. Her blush got darker, and she grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

It was clear what she wanted, but I could tell she was hesitant. We were an inch apart, and I couldn't wait any longer. I leaned in, closing the gap between us and kissed her passionately. She kissed me back, and the kiss ran deep.

My heartbeat grew rapid, and I could feel myself growing hotter. I cupped her face and pulled her closer. "Mmmm~" She moaned through the kiss.

Her hand slowly moved under my shirt.

I immediately pull back and push her hand away. "Peridot!!" Her eyes were half-lidded, and she slid her hand up my thigh. "I don't want to go that far!!" She moved and kissed down my neck. "No, Perid~ahh" She pulled back and pecked me. "Fine ill leave you alone."

This is the first time I wrote a kiss scene. Don't judge me
(1016 Words)

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