The police station

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I was standing outside the police station with my hoodie on so nobody would recognize me and try to hurt me or something. C'mon amethyst hurry up. I looked at my phone, and it's been about 10 minutes since I got here. Four sharp my ass!. I was looking around rapidly. If you saw me, you would probably think I'm about to rob a bank.

I thought back to yesterday when that strange woman glared at me. She had so much anger in her eyes. I looked down at the bruises on my wrist from the cords. I clenched my fists. Maybe I shouldn't do this. Maybe if I just give them money, they'll leave me alone. But I don't have a lot of money to spare. What if I just moved away. I sighed, there's no way mom would agree to that. Maybe I should jus- "HEY, LAPISSSS!!!" I looked in surprise when I saw amethyst running towards me. "Took you long enough," I said, folding my arms. She stopped in front of me, out of breath.

"S-sorry huff I was late huff," she said, leaning on her knees, out of breath. "So, shall we," she pointed towards the door. I looked away and rubbed my neck, "Actually amethyst-," "Awe c'mon, don't chicken out on me now! I ran all the way here," she interrupted. "You don't get it, the way they looked at me, it was like they could kill me if they wanted to," I looked down. She put her hand on my shoulder, and I continue to avoid her gaze, "That's okay" she said, I looked at her, and raised one eyebrow, puzzled, "What?!" She smiled at me, "Lapis, I didn't expect you to walk into a police station all bold and shit, " she chuckled. "Hell, I'm surprised you even made it this far," she said still laughing, I only stared at her, and perked my lips. She took my hand, "I'll be right by your side the entire time." I nodded, and we walked inside.

When we walked in, I looked around. There were chairs lined up against the wall that I assume were for waiting. There was also a front desk in the middle of the room. I looked to my right and saw police officers were walking in and out of various rooms and hallways; occasionally, there be a cop dragging handcuffed people.

A guy is sitting at the front desk, he looked somewhat chubby, but I don't want to judge. Amethyst walked up to the man and put her arm on the counter, "waddup bud, you haven't been slacking on them donuts, I see" she said with a grin on her face. I elbowed her in the ribs and scowled at her. She dramatically fell on the floor, "AHHHH, SHE JUST HARRASSED ME," she wailed her arms like a dumb ass on drugs.

"AMETHYST!!" I scolded her. "HEY, THAT'S A FEDERAL A OFFENCE!!," she said, everyone around us looked at amethyst being stupid. "WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT!!" I whispered shouted. I pinched my nose and looked back at the man. He furrowed his eyebrows and gave an annoyed look. "I-i'm sorry about her," She stood and put her arm back on the desk with a stupid grin, "I was pretty convincing wasn't I," she said as she put her other hand on her chest dramatically.

"What do you to want," the man said, gritting his teeth. "My girl wants to make an anonymous report," amethyst explained. "About who or what," the man deadpanned. "U-uhm, yesterday I was jumped by some gang," I said as I looked away. He quickly looked up, "Y-you're the call from the other day??" he said, getting up from his seat, with a concerned look. I backed a bit, a little freak out by his outburst.

His expression softened, and he sat back down, "How are you!! when your mom came to get you she seemed so worried; everyone thought you died by seeing how terrified she was, hehe.." he said with a nervous laugh. My mom worried about me? That's probably why she got drunk yesterday; I stressed her out. "I'm fine, thanks..." I said, with a fake smile.

"THIS IS GREAT!! I mean uh- w-we've been trying to track that gang down for months, you may be the lead we need to catch them!! If you will, can I take you to the back to ask a few questions?" he was smiling starting directly at me, it was kinda creepy. "Uhhh," I was nervously, and I looked at Amethyst trying to get her to help me. I don't wanna be here that long. I just wanna go back to my bed. Amethyst smiled at me, signaling that it will be okay. I exhaled, "Yeah, no problem," I said as I looked back at him. He seemed so hopeful.

He stood, smiled, and started walking down a hallway and waved his hand, signaling for me to follow. Amethyst gave me a little push as I hesitantly started walking after him.

Before turning the corner, I looked back and saw amethyst being silly, bothering some innocent couple. I smiled at her stupidity, shaking my head and walked into a small, confined room with the man and an additional woman.

The woman smiled at me and seemed nice, but her eyes said otherwise. Her eyes looked like they can melt your soul if you're not careful. She was tall and was wearing a suit, like shes a lawyer or something. I just want to go home. I nervously sat down in the seat at the end of the room. The room was dimly lit and had one small table. The woman sat at the end of the table across from me. She opened a small notebook and got out a mechanical pencil.

"What is your name, sweetheart?" she asked. "L-lapis lazuli, ma'am," I replied, anxiously. "I'm gonna ask you a couple of questions if you don't mind" she deadpanned, I nodded in response. "What do you remember happened," She asked as she looked up at me with an emotionless expression. She made me feel uneasy as she sat there with cold eyes.

"It was the first day of school, and I made jasper upset, and her gan-" "Who is jasper?" she said as she rudely interrupted me. "Some buff girl apart of their gang, I think," I trailed off. " You think?" she asked, getting a little louder. "I-" "Is this Jasper one them or not?" she got a bit louder, interrupting me once again. "Yeah.." I said quietly. "Is this Jasper their leader?" she asked, emphasizing Jasper.

"I don't know," I mumbled. "What?" The woman had a stern expression. Is it me, or do I seem to make people mad without doing anything? "I don't know," I said louder this time, looking away. She pinched her nose, "if you don't know who they are, then you have no use to me," she deadpanned. "But I d-" "Get out!!" she yelled, interrupting me for FIFTH THOUSAND TIME.

The man gave me a sympathetic look as I slowly got up and walked out, looking down. I could feel her eyes on the back of my head, but I didn't give her the satisfaction of returning her gaze. I stepped outside in the hallway and closed the door. I immediately heard, shouting, "YOU HAVE NO PATIENCE!!! THAT COULD HAVE BEEN OUR LEAD," the man said. "SHE DOESN'T T KNOW EVERYTHING WE NEED" the woman shouted back. "SHE KNEW ENOUGH," he replied. I shook my head and continued to walk out to the main room.

I found amethyst passed out, lying across the waiting chairs. I shook her, trying to wake her up. "Five more minutes," she said as she turned over on the seats. "Amethyst, we're in a police station," I said, as I turned around making sure no one was staring. "I don't care," she muffled into the chair. "AMETHYST," I whispered shouted. "Finnnneeeeeeee" she groaned and sluggishly got up.

We walked out of the building. "So what happened?" she asked, rubbing her eyes, still not fully awake. "There was some bimbo bitch, that didn't even let me finish what I had to say" I grumbled. "Hey, its gonna be okay, we'll figure something else out," she said, giving me a reassuring smile. We said our goodbyes and parted ways. I walked home, thinking. What am I gonna do now?


BeEp bEeP BEeP. I woke up and groaned while shutting off my alarm. I laid back down, resting my eyes. My phone went off — ughhhhhh Whyyyyyyyy. I reached for my phone, Amethyst was calling me. I answered and put the phone up to my ear. "Hello," I said sluggishly, I froze in surprise, "wait WHAT!"

The cop was Peter Griffin

(1476 words)

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