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Amethyst busted out laughing. I gave her a death stare, and she stopped immediately. "I'm serious amethyst. I keep thinking about doing... Stuff and I don't know what to do about it." She raised her eyebrows with a shit-eating grin. " So you wanna fuck peridot?"I punched her in the arm and blushed deeply.

"SHUT UP AMETHYST, NOO!!" She chuckled, and I kept playfully hit her. More like being nice because I want to kill her right now.

"Well, if you wanna be with peridot, you need to be more confident." I glared at her. "I am more confident. In fact, I spoke to my mom yesterday!" She gasped. "About... Her problem?" I nodded. "HOW!!"

"Peridot helped me actually." She furrowed her eyebrows. "But, I've been trying to help you for years, and you let her!?!" She sighed and smirked at me. "I guess that's why you like her. She's like your sex hero."

"AMETHYST!!" she giggled a bit. "So, she magically made you confident?" I shook my head. "I did most of the talking." She scoffed. "Well then, you won't have any issues talking to her." she pointed to the seat next to ours.

There sat Pearl. One of the people apart of Peridots gang. I shivered a bit but shook it off. I turned to her, determined as ever. "Hi." She looked at me, calmer than I expected. Wait, why is she here in the first place?! Didn't Peridot say she was promoted to street sales or something?!

She smiled. "Hey." I blushed. Holy shit, she's actually talking to me. "Uhm, if you don't mind me asking. D-didn't you leave school?" Her smile disappeared. Terror ran through me and tied my stomach in a knot. This is the moment a die. WHY DO I HAVE TO BE NOSEY!!

"Oh yeah, that gang was too much for me. I want to be a normal kid again, you know?" I was surprised at how easy she spoke. " That's- " "Hey hot stuff," I turned to amethyst. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" I whispered yelled. "She's a tall glass of sexy, and I want it." She licked her lips and crawled over me to sit closer to pearl.

Her knee pierced through my thigh, and I nearly yelped. She successfully moved, and She also talked to pearl the whole way to school, which is pretty upsetting cause I wanted to talk about peridot. But that's life.

I still don't know how I feel. I think I like her, but I'm not entirely sure. I definitely think about her a lot. She's sweet and a short little dork. She's smart and loves science. She can be stubborn sometimes, but everything she does, she does it with reason. And she can figure people out easier than anyone I know.

She's just great. And... Maybe she might like me too. I stared out the window, thinking about the one person I wanna be with right now.
I HAVE to tell her. But how... When... WHERE?!? I clearly haven't thought this through. I was in class waiting for the bell. I had got my stuff ready beforehand so I was just waiting patiently. My eyes wandered and caught peridot putting her stuff up.

Without realizing it, I was checking her out. She's so fucking cute. She has the perfect body shape. Her jawline is perfect, and her eyes are a solid emerald green. What I would give to touch her body. I was practically drooling over her.

I really wanna touch her!! I felt myself blush, and I shook my head. LAPIS, WHY ARE YOU SUCH PERVERT!!!!! The lunch bell rang, and I spotted peridot walking out the door into the hallway. I'll tell her about my feelings at lunch plus I want to ask about Pearl.

I walked beside Peridot and nervously smiled at her. She shot me a wink and I blushed madly. I covered my face and stopped walking. She turned around and raised an eyebrow. "You okay lapis?" once I felt my blush go away, I lowered my hands. "yeah, I jus-" "LAPIS WHAT HAPPENED!!!" I tilted my head.

She ran up to me and grabbed my face. I blushed more. She took my hand and dragged me towards the bathroom. "Peridot, what are you doing?!" as we entered the bathroom, she started frantically grabbing paper towels.

After successfully grabbing a stack of towels, she ran back to me and put it under my nose. I then realized I had a nose bleed. I blushed in embarrassment. Peridot kept a fierce expression. "Who did this to you!" I shook my head. "Nobody! This is only because I uh... I..." c'mon lapis, speak!!!! "I... Hit my head," I mentally facepalmed. "Oh, well, be more careful next time." I nodded.

We headed to lunch and got our food. Once we sat down, I mentally prepared myself. C'mon lapis! If I can be honest with amethyst, then I can be honest with peridot. I took a deep breath and turned to peridot. She glanced at me but continued to eat her food. "Peridot!" She lowered her fork onto her tray and sighed. She slowly turned and looked at me with an annoyed expression.

"I have something I really want to tell you..." She put her hand on mine. "You can tell me anything." She gazed at me with sweet and worried eyes. I felt myself about to blush. I tried my hardest to stop it.

Her expression grew more concerned. She moved her hand to my cheek. "Lapis?! You look like your gonna explode!!"

I tried to ignore all the feelings that were rising inside of me. Her gentle touch lit a fire in my stomach. I pushed her hand away and looked down at the seat. "L-lapis? Did I do something?" I shook my head. "What's going on? What is it that you can't tell me!!?" I shook my head again.

I was blushing profusely, but I didn't want her to know. "Lapis, let me help you." She gently placed her hand on my cheek and made me face her, revealing my red blushing face. She grew more worried. "Lapis, are you sick!?!!! What's been going on with you today!!" I have to tell her now.

"I... l... I wanted to tell you..." C'MON LAPIS!! "That... Pearls back." Nice going lapis! "Yeah, I know, she left the gang, but that doesn't matter right now. Your health is more important." my blush dissipated and she gave a sigh of relief.

"I'm fine, Peridot." An idea came to my head. I smiled stupidly, and peridot tilted her head, still a bit worried. "Wanna come over this weekend?" She rubbed her arm. "I don't know. What about your mom."

"It's fine; she likes you!" Her eyes lid up. "Really?!" She gave a hopeful smile. "But she won't even be there. She has work this weekend out of town. So It'll just be the two of us!" she blushed, which caught my attention. I should tease her a bit and maybe find out how she feels about me. I leaned closer to her face with a slight grin. Her blush darkened, and I stared at her seductively. She lightly pushed me, "Stop lapis! You're being weird." She looked away but was still blushing.

I chuckled a bit. "So I guess your gay side can actually come out from time to time." Might even come out tomorrow if I'm successful.

I'm sleepy.
(2243 Words)

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