I'm Strong

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She wrong! She's wrong! SHE'S WRONG!! "I can't do this peridot!!" I was struggling to run out the door, but Peridot kept pulling on my waist, not letting me move an inch. "c'mon lapis, we have to do this." I tripped and fell, and peridot fell on top of me.

I hissed, from the striking pain of her sharp elbow piercing my stomach. "Ahhhh, Peridot!" she got up and pinned me to the ground. "Peridot..?" Her face was close to mine, but I don't think she cared. "Don't run away. We have to do this." I sighed. "I'm just really scared." I turned my head away from her.

"I'm not strong peridot... I'm not brave or confident. I can't do it." I felt myself tear up but ignored it. It's not even worth crying over, I've always been this way. "That's not true! You are really strong, I swear. You fought for me, a no-good drug dealer! If you can face someone like me! Then you can face anyone." I covered my face with my hands.

"That's different! I felt like I had to... You were hurt, cause of me, so of course I had to do something... I owed that to you..." She gently moved my hand. "You owe this to yourself. You deserve to be honest with your mom." I turned back to her.

"Please do this for me lapis" She seemed so worried about me. It was nice to have someone go this far for me. Peridot is so sweet even when she tries to hide it. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad if I did like peridot. I put my hand on her cheek without realizing it. She leaned into my hand. As If it were instinct, I gently pulled her face closer to mine.

My mom flew out of her room, busting the door open. She was drunk off her shit. "Lapis- oh, you brought a friend?" She was slurring and a drunk mess. Peridot got off of me and stood up. I did the same.

"Mom, I-" "are a disappointment." I shuddered at her words. She turned to peridot. "You must be my daughter's girlfriend." Peridot only stared at my mother. "Mom, she's not my girlfriend." she took as a swig of the drink in her hand and wobbled towards me. "you know I was never fond of this gay phase of yours" It hurt when she said that, but I know she's just drunk. She was really understanding when I first told her. But then again, she could have just been lying to make me happy.

She pushed me to the ground. "Your gayness is probably the reason your dad died." My dad most definitely didn't die from my gayness. I was too young to be gay; she must be really Drunk. She lifted the bottle and swung it down about to bust it over my skull. Peridot stepped in and caught the bottle before it reached me.

She took the bottle away from her and threw it on the couch. She gave an irritated grunt. "Sorry for disrespecting your mother," I tilted my head. What is she talking about? Peridot pushed my mom. My mom stumbled back but didn't fall. "You little-!" "Don't say anything about me; when you find satisfaction in the bottom of a bottle. You're so alone that you hurt the one family you have left. That's a disappointment." My mom looked taken aback. "Peridot!" She held out her hand and helped me up.

"She probably won't even remember this." My mom took a shaky step forward and then fell on the ground. "Mom!" I kneeled by her. "Help me get her to the couch!"
Peridots POV

Lapis's Mother was lying across the couch on the opposite side of me. I was sitting down sipping on water staring at the passed out woman with cold eyes. Lapis set out some water and pills for her mom when she wakes up.

Lapis sat beside me and sighed. "Your gonna have to actually talk to her when she wakes up" she covered her faced with her hand. "I know..." I put my hand on her leg and look at her with a smile. "Its gonna be okay." She smiled back. "I know, dork," I lightly punched her. "I'm not a dork, you... Ocean??" lapis chuckled. "That's a new one, never thought I would be an ocean before." I blushed.

"Lapis?!" Lapis's mother has awoken. She sat up and down the pills in a matter of seconds. Lapis was trembling, and I held her hand. Lapis calmed down a bit at my touch. Her mother stared at us in confusion. "M-mom! I-I uhm..." she tilted her head. "I..." I was growing furious about her constant stuttering. I grabbed her chin and turned her head, revealing her deep cut to her mother.

Her mother gasped and sat up. "What happen, Lapis!" I growled and glared at her angrily. "YOU DID THIS!" Her mother was surprised, and a bit worried. Lapis gently moved my hand and gave me a reassuring smile.

I sat back on the sofa. I guess I'll let her handle it. "Mom... you have an issue." Her mother was patient, listening to what she had to say. "You have a drinking problem," she nodded. "But that's not all" she raised an eyebrow. "You are an abusive drunk." She scoffed. "What are talking about lapis?"

"You probably never remember, but you're really abusive... to me." Lapis looked down. "That's where I got the cut from. That's where I got all my bruises from actually." Her mother covered her mouth and teared up. "Lapis, why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because... I was scared. I just never could tell you..." Her grip on my hand tightened. "Lapis, how long has this been going on!?" tears rolled down Lapis's cheeks. Lapis is getting overwhelmed. I should do something. I got up and pulled lapis up with me. I took her to another room and closed the door. "Are you okay?" she wiped her tears. "Peridot all those times... She hurt me. I just can't!" I hugged her, and she hugged me back tightly. I whispered sweet nothings until she calmed down.

Wanna know my favorite color?.... No.... Okay..
(1045 words)

It's green

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