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I hoked up Lapis's helmet, and she blushed. This time I smiled at her and gave her a peck. She blushed darker and tried to cover her face. I giggled and helped her onto the bike. "You ready?" she wrapped her arms around my waist and nodded. I started the engine and pulled off.

We road slowly going the speed limit because I don't want to scare Lapis again. She was warm against my back, and she gently held onto me. As we arrived at her house, she looked at me with a confused expression. "I uh- I wanna take that offer about... Living with you, Can I?" Her eyes were practically starts. "YESSSS!! This is the best day of my life!!!"

I got off the bike and unhooked my bag full of clothes. "I don't think getting a roommate would be the best day of your life." She took off her helmet and got off the bike. "This is awesome! A new girlfriend and a roommate!" I shook my head and chuckled. "You are so lame," she lightly pushed me.

I reached in my bag and pulled out my wallet. She tilted her head, watching me. "I uh- I saved all the gang money I earned, to one day leave and get an apartment. But now that I live with you, I guess I can just pay or-" "No Peridot! You can keep your money! And besides I have something in mind that would put that money to use!" I was curious what she was talking about but I shook off the thought.

We walked up to the door and I got a bit nervous . Her mom isn't gonna let me stay. What was I thinking! Lapis put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile. I took a deep breath. It's gonna be okay Peridot, lapis will handle it.

Lapis unlocked the door and walked in. I hesitantly followed her gripping onto my bag tightly. Her mother was sitting on the couch but got up to greet Lapis. "Hi honey." they hugged, and lapis had a bright smile on her face. She glanced at me and backed up from her mothers arms.

"Mom, Peridot agreed to live with us!" Her mother walked up to me with a warm smile. "Well if its okay with your parent's thats fine if you stay for a while." I stared at her blankly. Lapis stepped in front of us. "Mom she doesn't have parents... Anymore." She covered her mouth. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I shook my head. "Its fine."

"Mom shes not..." She sighed "Peridots was apart of a gang!" "What?!" "BUT MOM SHES NOT LIKE WHAT YOU'RE THINKING! I went and experiencing her life, and I sew that she's trying hard to break away from that gang and I wanna help her! I want to try and give her a normal life, so please give her a chance!" her mom looked at me and back at Lapis. "Why were you with a gang?! That's extremely irresponsible lapis! You could've been hurt! Is this the same gang that hurt you?!"

Lapis turned to me. "I- " "Yes, this was the same gang, and I was apart of that. But despite all of that Ms. Lazuli, she still forced herself into my life and tried her best to fix it. So if you don't want me to stay that's fine but just know your daughter is an amazing person. She definitely changed my perspective, I couldn't have ever tried to start a new life without her influence."

"Mom, please. She's so much more than you think, I promise." Her mom sighed.


"I know Peridot cares for you. And Peridot" She turned to me " I understand you're trying to make a new beginning, so because you helped us go down a new path ill be happy to help you as well." Lapis grew a bright smile and jumped on me.

"NEW ROOMMATE! Oh and mom guess what!!" She titled her head. "Me and Peridot are dating!!" I blushed. Her mom chuckled and ruffled my hair. I ground internally. "Take care of her Peridot, I trust you." For some weird reason, when she said that it felt like a weight had been lifted off my back. I feel free.

"C'mon let's go to my room! Or... Our room!" She grabbed my hand and we went upstairs. "So do you want to sleep in my bed or we could get you another bed?" I shrugged. "It doesn't matter, and I wouldn't mind sleeping next to you." She sat on the bed, and I sat next to her.

"Thank you for this Lapis." I held her hand in mine. "I have a question, though." I intertwined our fingers. "Would you do this for anyone or is it just me?" She blushed and looked away. "Just you... Only B-because....  I really care about you, more than anyone."  I kissed and her cheek. She turned to me, and I smiled at her.

She started at me seductively, eyes half lidded. I shot her a seductive grin. She pulled me on top of her lap. She turned me to face her and softly kissed me.

I kissed her back and softly brushed my tongue against her lips. She parted her lips, and we kissed. It was gentle and sweet. She pressed her arms on my back and pulled me closer. I wrapped my arms around her neck.

Lapis started getting rough, and it felt so good. I melted in the kiss, and a moan escaped through my lips. I pulled away to catch my breath. "Lapis wai-ahh~ " She kissed my neck and bit down, sucking, giving me a hickey. She slowly licked up my neck and I whimpered. She kissed down my collarbone, while slowly moving her hand up my shir- "Hey guys what do you- whoa"

Lapis's mom stood in the doorway, staring at us. We both blushed dark red and I hid my face in lapis's shoulder. "Do what you want it's your relationship but save it for the sequel." With that she left the room. I lifted my head and looked at lapis. "What is she talking about?" Lapis's eyes were practically starts. "Peridot!!! Were getting a sequel!!" I tilted my head. "It's basically a whole new problem to solve!!" I groaned and got up "More problems?!? Whyyyyyyyyyy!"

The end

Just so you know all those times they were almost gonna kiss before, Peridot was completely oblivious to what lapis wanted to do

The sequel is out! It's called My Lover
(1093 words)

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