Birthday Part 4

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"You made these?!" She nodded. "THEY'RE AMAZING" My eyes were practically stars eating these homemade sandwiches. "Peridot, it's just a sandwich." I grabbed another one. "The best sandwich I ever had!!" she chuckled. "Have you never had a sandwich?? what do they feed in there!?" I shrugged, and she glared at me. I sighed, "There are people who cook, but it's like prison food."

"Is it better than lunch food?" I growled. "Lunch food is great and so underrated."

"Now I get the picture. One day we're gonna go out and get REAL food." I mumbled and continue to eat my sandwich. I'm still confused on why she likes me. The first time we met, I hurt her. Why would she try to help me after that?

"Lapis" She looked up from her phone. "Hmm?"

"Why did you wanna be my friend after I beat you," she huffed, "I already told you!" I waved my hands defensively. "No! Like after we jumped you. I would've been pissed if you jumped me." She seemed surprised. "Weren't you angry at us? You probably hated me so, why?"

She put her phone down. "I was more scared than mad, and I was more upset with Jasper. But I guess I forgave you after you were vulnerable to me in detention." I scoffed. "I was never vulnerable!"

"What's standing in front of me and crying called, you crybaby." I blushed. "I was just... Really... Emotional..." I rubbed my arm. "At the time, adjusting to being alone was hard."

"Don't you get to see your friends outside of school?" I sighed."After Jasper got arrested, they got promoted to street sales." She tilted her head. I could tell she had a lot of questions.

"Maybe this is a good time to continue my life story," her eyes were like stars, and she stared at me like an impatient child.

"I was ten when they died, and I hate that day... More than anything."
-----------------------(fLaShBaCk ~.~)
"Peridot FOCUS!" I swung at pearl, but she dodged and tackled me, pinning me to the ground. "Peridot, how do you expect to defend yourself in an actual fight," I pushed her off me and turned to my mom.

"I'm trying!" She scolded me "PERIDOT YOU-" Bismuth busted in the room "MS. DIAMOND SORRY TO DISTURB YOU BUT THE EAST SIDERS ARE OUTSIDE THREATENING OUR GANG" we were all surprised. My mom ran out of the room, and I followed.

We ran outside the building. In the street, our entire gang was arguing with the rivals. My mom stepped in front of them and spoke to what seemed like their boss. Everyone got quiet, and only my mother and the other man could be heard.

"GET OFF OUR LAND BEFORE I MAKE YOU," He scoffed. In a swift motion, my mom pulled out her gun and put it to his chin. And without a moment of hesitation, she pulled the trigger.

The sound of the gunshot triggered war. Everyone started shooting at one another, and I was told to stay inside. My dad took me to his room and left to join the fight. I stayed put with the other kids for about 5 minutes. This sucks.

I want to help, and I want to make my mom proud! I snuck out, and I ran out of the building with my pistol and fired wildly. A striking pain went through my leg. I fell and held myself.

I lifted my hand, and it was covered in blood. I closed my eyes and cried heavily. "M-MOM! SOMEONE HELP ME!!" I was picked up and moved to the side of the building. I opened my eyes, and I was in the arms of my mother.

She sat down with me, still in her arms. "Peridot what is wrong with you! You could die!" She took and knife and tried to pull out the bullet. "MOM IT HURTS!!!" She put her other hand on my head and pulled me close. "Shhh, it's gonna be okay." She pulled out the bullet and applied pressure to the wound.

"Peridot, what we're you thinking!!?" I cried in her shirt. "I-I just wanted to help.. I wanted to make you proud of me." I looked up at her, and she cupped my face. For a moment, I couldn't feel the pain anymore.

"Peridot, I'm proud of you every day because out of everyone in our gang, you try the hardest. Your the strongest, most determined girl I know. Never forget that" She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Mom I- " My mom went lifeless and fell on her side. She was shot in the side of her head. I shook her, "Mom? MOM WAKE UP!" I looked back towards the chaos and saw my dad sprinting with all his might. Before he even reached us, he was shot in the back of the head and fell to the ground.

There was a girl behind him. She kind of looked like me in a way. She was tall and at least 17 years old. She had a shit-eating grin on her face.

After my dad fell, she pointed the gun toward me. I got up and bolted with a bit of a limp. I ran to the back of the building and waited until the fighting was over. I sat and held myself, softly crying.
---------------------(flaShBaCk oVer ~.~)
I cried a bit but immediately wiped it away. "It was my fault. I-I distracted her just to get her approval!! I was so stupid... She was already proud of me, and all I had to do was stay put!"

Lapis grabbed my hand, and I looked at her. "Peridot, it's okay! It's fine, and it was an accident! Its no one's fault." I sniffled, "What else happen? Did you lose?!" I scoffed, "of course not. we still have more territory than they will ever have!" I put my hand on my chest dramatically.

She laughed and I glared at her. "After everything happened, I was too young to take over, so the second in command did. It was rose, the lady you saw when we first interacted."

"Can you take control now? You seem old enough." I looked away, "Yeah, but I'm too weak..."

"Peridot-" "NO LAPIS! I... I can't kill... I'm useless, so I'm better off as a minor gang member." She sighed, "would you ever consider just leaving!?"

"If I could, but I don't have anywhere to go!" she smiled at me. "How about you just stay with me?"

Peri mom, best mom, even though she was stupid enough to have a sentimental moment in the middle of a GANG WAR but oh well
(1115 words)

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