Do I Like Her

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It was silent in the empty and cold hallway. Lapis and I are sitting against the wall, side by side. She stopped crying, but her eyes were slightly bloodshot, and she had tear stains on her cheek.

I wiped away her marks with my thumb, and she didn't seem to mind. I put my hand on hers, and she laid her head on my shoulder. I leaned my head against hers and closed my eyes, ready to process everything she has to say.

"My mom is a drunk. An abusive drunk. She's been that ever since my dad passed away."

"Yesterday, it was much worse than it usually is. S-she had a weapon. It was a broken bottle. My guess and that she got upset that we don't have any more alcohol. So like any abusive drunk, she took it out on the closest human being close to her. Me."

"She busted through my room and started slurring and cussing. I had to dodge every swing with my life. I was scared she would take my eye out. I managed to escape with a minor cut and few bruises. I hid in the closet until she passed out." She sniffled a bit.

I squeezed her hand and whispered sweet nothings to make her feel better. When she called down, I started to think. "Does your mother know that she hurts you?" she shrugged. "I don't think so. She never remembers what she does when she's drunk. For her, it's like skipping time."

"Why don't you just tell her. I'm sure she would understand and stop drinking." Lapis shivered a bit. "S-she... I... I can't do that... I'm honestly... Kinda scared of my mom." I turned my head to face her. She was still lying on my shoulder.

"Its okay to be scared sometimes." She turned to look at me, and our faces are inches apart. I smiled at her, and she blushed. I was confused at first but then realized how close we were. I felt myself blush.

The bell rang, and she quickly backed off of me. As kids started leaving their classrooms, lapis got up with her stuff. "I'll see you later, Peridot" I got up and grabbed her hand before she left. "Wait." She turned to me, "Yeah, Peridot?"

"Before you go home later, let me go with you." She gave me a confused glare then blushed. "A-aright Peridot." That's weird, why is she blushing? She walked off, and I made my way to my next class.

Lapis POV
What just happen?! Why does Peridot want to come to my house? I thought about the moment we shared and gasped. Does she have feelings for me?! Is she gonna confess?!? OMG!! I could be completely wrong, though! But what if I'm not! What would I even say??! Do I like peridot?!

I pondered this question on my way to my next class. I sat in my seat and got out a pencil and paper, prepared to work.

That moment we had... It was like she was staring into my soul, and that smile! For a split second, she was so... Beautiful. I shook my head. DO I LIKE HER?! NO WAY I NEVER LIKE ANYONE!! It was only a moment lapis, don't let the gayness get to you. If she does like you, then we'll just turn her down, simple.

Her and her cute face. I growled under my breath. Stop thinking stupid things lapis.

For the rest of the class, I focused on my work and discouraged any thoughts of peridot.
School ended, and I waited outside of the school for peridot. Calm down lapis, get your head out of the gutter. She's your friend, and whatever she wants, it's probably has nothing to do with dating.

I saw Peridot in the distance. I shyly walked over to her, not realizing I was blushing. She gave me a confused look but shrugged. "L-lets go." I started making my way home peridot following behind me. The streets were calm and silent despite the occasional bird noises.

I made my way to my door and reached out to open it. Peridot grabbed my hand before I reached the knob. I turned to her, and she had a rather determined look on her face. Omg!! Is she really gonna confess!?! She cleared her throat. "Lapis, I have something to tell you. This may be strange at first, but I need to do this." She took a deep breath.

"I didn't come here just to hang out or anything" Omg!!!! She really is confessing!! "I wanted to... Get you to talk to your mom!" I was dumbfounded for a second. Wait... WHAT!? "So your not...?" she tilted her head. "Nevermind." I turned around to open the door, and I felt myself heat up.

I'm so stupid. Why would I think about things like that? Of course, she doesn't like me, why would she?! Do I... Like her...? There's no way. I never like anyone. I usually reject everyone who likes me. I've never dated before but only because I never found someone I liked.

I turned to Peridot. Do I like you?! I don't understand my feelings at all. I unlocked the door and walked in. "LASPIIIS." I heard my mom yell from the other room.

"It's my mom... She's drunk... Again." Peridot stepped in "That's good. Now, it's time we fix this issue." I can't believe I'm doing this. I've never stood up to my mom, and there's no way I'd be able to. "Peridot, maybe we shouldn't do this." She stood in front of me and put her hands on my shoulders.

"Its gonna be okay. You got this." I was a bit surprised but shes right. I nodded.

Five dollar foot loooooooong
(967 words)

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