I'm A Hero

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"wait, WHAT!!" I said. "Yeah dude, crazy right?" amethyst replied. "OH MY GOSH, I CANT BELIEVE IT," I jumped out my bed with excitement. "Well, believe it faster cause your gonna be late for the bus." I danced around a bit. "RIGHT!!, we'll talk more on the bus," I said excitedly. "Okay, see you then," she hung up.

"YASSSSSS," I yelled happily dancing to the bathroom. I smiled, brushed my teeth, shaking my hips, and humming. I spat in the sink and looked at myself in the mirror with a huge grin "today is a new chapter of my life," I whispered to myself. I change my clothes, got my bookbag, and skipped downstairs, out the door.

My humming turned into singing.

"I can't believe we've come so far."

"happily ever after here, we are!"

I sang to the bus stop joyfully and waited for the bus. After a few minutes, the bus pulled up beside me. I slowly stepped in. I was a bit scared of how people might react to the news if they even knew about it. I took a look around, and everyone looked so spirited and happy. As I walked down the aisle, people clapped and cheered and yelled "THANK YOU" and "GOOD JOB."

This day is the best. I sat next to Amethyst with a huge smile plastered on my face. "Looks like someone enjoying the attention," she said sarcastically. "How did everyone even found out?" I gave her a confused look. "dude, It's all over social media, duh." "Wow... I'm a hero," I said confidently, putting my hand on my cheat dramatically. "I don't know about all that, but you did eradicate the biggest problem with that school."

"I would never have thought that getting jasper arrested would make so many people happy," I said, still grinning like an idiot. "Yeah, I guess jasper was more of a bully than we thought," she looked out the window. She seems kinda upset about something. My smile faded. "So what happened to the rest of her gang?" I leaned forward, my arms resting on my legs as I stare at my hands. "Well, I heard that garnet and pearl left the school" she said. wow, I didn't know that would happen. "What about the short one, peridot?" I said as I straighten my back looking at Amethyst. "She stayed." My eyes widened, "wh?!- why?" I asked, lifting an eyebrow. "I don't know," Amethyst replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Hey, Lapis, right?!" the random boy in the seat next to me said. "Y-yes," I said, facing him. "It's really cool how you got jasper arrested," he said, smiling at me. "Yeah... Thanks," I said, attempting to turn back to amethyst and avoid human interaction. "I'm surprised you're still alive." "What?" I said, looking at him scooting back a bit. "Yeah, I mean- you got a gang member arrested, someone's bound to come after you," he said, with the same stupid expression as if he didn't just talk about me DYING. "I- uh-" "Shell be fine, just shut up and leave her alone," Amethyst interrupted. She looked at me, concerned, "Hey, its gonna be okay, don't listen to him, you're a hero, remember?" she gave me a fake smile. "Yeah....yeah," I said quietly.


A month later

I sat down in my third-period class. In this period, I had math. Math is relatively easy for me, it always has been, and algebra two isn't hard at all. I'm at the top of my class and finish my work with ease. The teacher doesn't even care if I'm on my phone or not. Since I get my classwork done early, I either read a book on my phone or doodle. Today my teacher passed everyone a piece of paper to copy notes. And when I say everyone, I also mean peridot.

Peridot was furious about it. Ever since jasper got arrested and the rest of her gang left the number of kids in this school skyrocketed, and nobody is as scared of her now. She's just a little, green, adorable, angry, gumdrop. Shes usually alone and she's forced to do work and go to detention like the rest of us.

That's what you get for bullying innocent people. I smirked looking at peridot snatch the paper from the teacher. The teacher scolded her, but peridot just kept her head down, ignoring her. The teacher sighed and walked up to the board, writing down out notes.

After taking notes for a while, the teacher gave everyone classwork. About ten minutes after I started on my work, I looked at Peridot. She looked like she was struggling. She dragged her hand through her hair and grunted, staring at the paper. She wrote something down, paused, and looked at it. She furrowed her eyebrows and had an irritated look. She scribbled aggressively on what she previously wrote and put her head down and sighed. Guess she doesn't like math. I almost feel bad for her, then again, she did punch me in the face. Don't be selfish, Lapis. Maybe I can help her. But I don't even- "MS. LAZULI," she teacher scolded, "Pay attention to your work." "Y-yes ma'am" when the teacher looked away, I looked back at Peridot, and she was staring dead at me with anger in her eyes.

She took her index finger and dragged it across her throat. She's threatening me; I gave her a confused look then I smirked confidently. I flicked her off and continue doing my work.

Sorry, it's a short chapter.

(933 Words)

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