Birthday Part 2

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Peridot POV

I'm here again at this stupid school. These teachers treat me like crap just to get back at me. I never did anything to them. It was jasper. I hate all of this. And the worst part is that today is my shitty birthday. I lost track of how old I am. It doesn't matter. I'll still wake up and do the same thing every damn day. There's nothing special about being one year closer to death.

I sat down in the third period. I hate math SO much. I'm more into science. I know science has math, but it isn't as hard as this. I put my head down. The bell rang, and the class started.

I heard a chair pull out next to me. I opened one eye and saw lapis. Ugh, her... she called me weak... but it's not like she's wrong. I don't want to hurt anyone, and it's true that I have an issue with needing acceptance from people, but she doesn't need to know that. I do what I have to, to get by.

"Hey... I'm sorry... really sorry" I glanced at her then buried my face into my arms. I don't need this. Why the hell does she care anyway!?

I can't believe I was vulnerable to her. I knew I shouldn't trust anybody. It was stupid to get involved with her.

"Leave me alone" It came out more sad than I wanted. I felt a hand gently land on my back. "lets talk about it. I really care about you, peridot, and I want you to be my friend." I sat up and pushed her hand away and off my back. "You don't get everything you want, lapis." I shot her an angry glare.

"Yeah, but I can try," she smiled. "And you can always fail," I faced forward, hoping she goes away. "Peridot, I'm not gonna lose you" I clinched my fist. "Why do you want to be my friend so badly?!?" she chuckled, and I glanced at her. "Well, if you really wanna know, then come to my house later, and you can find out." Wha?!

"What are you talking about" she came closer to my face, and I leaned away from her a bit. "If you're that curious, then be ready at four," I growled, and she moved back. She winked and headed back to her seat with a grin on her face.

What is she talking about? What could she possibly want from me? Whatever I'm not going!

But what if she has a gift or something. Or news with jasper. I stared at my hands, solemnly. She has NO control over me. NOBODY does. I balled my first. If I don't want to do something, then I'm NOT going to do it.
School went by, and I headed to a nearby gas station. I don't really feel like going home. I'll just hang here for a while and maybe make a few sells.

I sat on the sidewalk outside the gas station. I had a half-filled sprite in my hand, and I was leaning against the wall. I heard chatter and pulled out my knife. I peeked around the corner and sighed. It was just two girls, chatting and occasional pecking. I walked back to my spot and sat down. Get a grip Peridot.

I stared down at the knife and thought about jasper. I didn't love her, but I did care about her. I knew she needed someone to be there for her, but she just kept pushing me away.

I sighed. And I'm doing the same thing to lapis.

She knows I'm miserable, and all she wants to do is help. She called me weak, but nothing she said was a lie. And I can't blame her for yelling at me. I'm a horrible person, and for some reason, she still cares.

She's not a bad person. There's no reason I shouldn't trust her. I'm just cruel. I know I don't have to tell her a damn thing about me, but I want to. She's the first person who actually wants to know.

And... I don't want to lose her, either. I put my knife back in my pocket. I guess I'll see what she wants. I got up and headed to Lapis's house
4:25. I exhaled, looking at the time. I knocked on the door and stepped back. After quick footsteps and sounds of what seemed like plastic. The door opened, and there stood lapis. She has a big blue bag hanging from her shoulder, across her chest.

She closed the door behind her, and I tilted my head. "uhm aren't we going in?" she shook her head. "Nope," I growled. "What are you planning?!" she walked passed me. "Follow me, and you'll find out." I huffed and followed a few feet behind her.

"I honestly thought you wouldn't show up." I crossed my arms. "That makes two of us," I mumbled. "what did you say peridot?" she glanced at me. "N-nothing."

After about 5 minutes of silent walking.We arrive at a lighthouse. I stopped and stared at the giant building. This is the biggest tower I've ever seen. although, I've never seen a lighthouse before. Lapis sat, dangling her feet off the edge. I sat beside her.

I looked at the setting sun and relaxed. This place is beautiful. "Why did you take me here" I turned to lapis. Her eyes were sparkling from the sun, and she seemed so in peace. "Because you were stressed." it's true, but "How do you know that? How can you tell how I feel! Nobody has ever done that!!" I thought out loud.

"Because I pay attention, Peridot. I told you I cared," her gazed ripped from the sun and down at me. "I don't understand... Why?" I turned back to face the ocean. "because... D-do I really have to have a reason to care for someone!?" I growled and got up. "YES!!!! YOU KNOW I KILLED SOMEONE!! Who makes friends with a murder!!"

She shrugged. "I guess I do" I ran my hands through my head "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She chuckled. "I knew what I was getting into, but I also know who you are. And you're not a killer" She reached into her bag and got out a cake box.

She opened the lid, and there was a chocolate cake with the words "Happy birthday Peridot, the most adorable Dorito in the world" I felt myself tear up. "How did you know it was my birthday" she smiled. "Lets talk, Peridot."

I want this book to grow into something great. I'm so excited.
(1111 Words)

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