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I flew on my back, laughing hysterically. "Me?!? Live with you?!?" She blushed in embarrassment. "I just wanted to help" I wiped a tear away. "Lapis, you live with your mom! There's no way she'd let some drug dealer stay with you."

"But-" "Lapis No! You can't help me with this!" She looked down. "It's getting late, and we should go home." She started packing up her stuff, and I couldn't help but feel bad.

I rested my hand on her shoulder. She turned to me. She seemed fine, but I could tell she was upset. "Thank you, lapis." She looked taken aback by my statement, but she relaxed into a slight grin. "Thank you for caring for me. You're my best friend," I said.

"What about your other friends?!" I looked away. "They don't like me. I guess you could say I'm the runt of the group."

"I had jasper, but I was mainly on my own. But you stayed by my side and actually cared about what I had to say. I appreciate you a lot, laz."

She put her hand on my other shoulder. "Why wouldn't I care about what you had to say?"

"Most people usually just tell me to get over it, but you were so curious and patient." I got up and started helping, picking up my trash. "I trust you, lapis, and I rarely trust anyone." Her grin lid up into a bright smile. I blushed a bit and looked away.

Three weeks later

I've grown quite fond of lapis. She's chill and nice. I love hanging out with her. She has this cute laugh when she snorts. She tries to hide it, but I always find a way to get it out of her. She's been a lot more outgoing, and I love it! I've opened up to her as well. Lapis has really brought color into my life, and I can't thank her enough.

My sales have been consistent, and I haven't gotten into any trouble. Everything is perfect.

The bell rang, and I caught up with lapis on her way to lunch. "Hey lapis," She yawned. "Hey, dork," I growled under my breath. "I'm not a dork." She giggled tiredly. We got our lunch and sat down.

"Hey, peridot, can you help me with this assignment." She brought out a piece of paper and a pencil from her bag. "Sure," I got out my glasses and put them on. She covered her mouth and chuckled. "hey! You know I need these to read. There's a passage in your assignment."

"I'm sorry! But the fierce Peridot in lame nerd glasses!? That's priceless!" She laughed more, and I got annoyed. I lifted my leg and stomped on her foot. She yelped and held onto her leg. "HA HA HA HA," I laughed sarcastically. I gave her a shit-eating grin.

My expression grew worried as I noticed a cut on her cheek. It seemed like she was physically cut. I could tell it hurt. I put my hand on her cheek and examined the wound with my thumb. She winced and hissed, moving away from my hand.

"Peridot, what are you doing." I glared at her. "Did you get into a knife fight for something." She furrowed her eyebrows, "What?!? No, Peridot!!" She moved the paper closer to me. "Can you just help me with this" I moved the paper back. "Don't try to change the subject. You're tired and bruised. That cut is too deep to be an accident, so either you did this to yourself, or someone hurt you." She started to sweat a bit.

"Its nothing Peridot. Just drop it!" I huffed. "You think I'm gonna sit around when you could be in danger!" She got up and grabbed her stuff and stormed out the cafeteria.

I picked up my stuff and took off my glasses, and quickly followed after her. Soon it was nothing but me and her walking down an empty hallway. "You can't run away from me." She winced at my voice then walked faster.

"Lapis, what are you not telling me?! You know I only want to help!! You act like your alone when your not!! I'm here, Lapis!!" The hallways came to a dead end. "Go away, Peridot!" I gritted my teeth and furrowed my eyebrows.

"I won't." I was getting angry, but I don't want to drive her away. I exhaled and calmed myself. "Lapis, I care about you. If someone hurt you, I don't know what I'd do!" I stepped closer to her.

Her back was still turned to me. "The last thing I want is for you to get hurt because of me... So please tell me so I can help you. Did I do something?!" I heard sniffles, and lapis was shaking. "L-lapis?" she turned around tears rapidly pouring out of her eyes. "It's my mom Peridot! You wouldn't understand!!"

"W-what happened?" She leaned her back against the wall and slid down. "Peridot, just go away." I pinched my nose. "Lapis, how do you expect for me to be your friend if you push me away?" she balled her fist and held her knees to her face. I sat beside her and hugged her. It was an awkward position, but she melted into it.

"Lapis, my mom died, so I don't know a lot about parenting, but I do know that if someone hurts you, then you should do something about it" she cried softly and broke away from her knees and hugged me back.

"If you don't want me to know, then ill respect that. But I don't want you to get hurt anymore!" She sniffled. "I... sniff... It's hard... But ill tell you... sniff... But only you peridot... sniff... Don't tell a teacher or anyone." she broke away from the hug and stared at me with solemn eyes. "You have to promise Peridot."

I nodded, "I promise."

Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang

(1001 Words)

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