Steve // Car Wreck

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You were at a drag race your best friend, Steve, dragged you to. His excuse was that Soda ditched him for Sandy and Evie had recently broken up with him for someone else. You couldn't get him to leave you alone so you gave in.

Fortunately he wasn't participating in the race, you both were just observing. He insisted on standing the closest you could to the route.

You both got really into the race and as the the race was almost over you were screaming and shouting.

The car in the lead neared the finish line, where you were standing. All of a sudden the other car came and smashed into the the first one.

Time seemed to slow and you were frozen in place, the car barreling toward you. You faintly heard Steve screaming at you to run but the words didn't process.

The car hit you and you rolled over it and landed on the ground with a crunching sound. You couldn't move as the sound of sirens got closer, you felt paralyzed.

"Y/n!" Steve yelled, running to you. "Oh my god.." He looked like he was going to throw up. You followed his gaze to your arm, the sight made you wince.

Your arm was bent a way that shouldn't have been impossible. You looked away and towards Steve. "That is nasty." You managed a small laugh from him at your words.

"I never should've brought you here."
"I'm glad you did, I had fun."
"You also got hit by a car."
"You've got to be kidding me, that was the best part." He laughed.
"You're tuff."

You nodded then winced as pain flared through your arm. The ambulance pulled up next you and they rolled out a gurney and put you on it.

"I'll call your mom and meet you at the hospital." Steve said standing up.
"Okay and Steve?"
"I mean what I said, I had fun tonight. Minus the fact I got hit by a car."
He smiled at you as they rolled you into the ambulance. You passed out on the way there and had a nice dream. There's always a bright side, even if you get hit by a car.
Well you got hit by a car how do you feel?
Hope you enjoyed! The story not getting hit by a car xD
Okay, question: Do you like or dislike crying?
I like crying. Life isn't perfect and there's perfectly sensible reasons to cry.
420 word count teehee

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