Two-Bit // My Girl

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Alright, so, you call Two-Bit Keith because I'm lazy and honestly I think he would only allow his girl or the girl he likes to call him his actual name :)
You were walking back to your house after recently being jumped. You could hardly feel anything because it hurt so much, just a burning sensation when you stepped.

You reached your house and dreaded what your brothers had to say about you walking home alone. And what the gang was going to do to those nasty socs.

You took a deep breath and finally opened the door, almost falling over when you did so. As you regained balance all eyes were on you.
"Hi." You said nonchalantly with a small wave.

When you waved your arm flared with pain and you winced.
"What the hell happened to you!" Your brother yelled.
"Darry relax, I was just walking-"
"Alone!" Your other brother screamed.
"Jesus Soda, are you two trying to give me a headache." You looked at your youngest brother.

He was just staring at your arm and you followed his gaze. Your arm was bent weirdly and Pony said, "I think I'm going to be sick." And he ran off to the bathroom.

You yourself felt lightheaded after looking at your arm and spots danced in your eyes. "I don't think it's supposed to do that." Was all you managed before passing out.
You woke up at home, but it seemed darker outside. You looked at your previously bent arm and saw a cast.

You looked to your left and saw Keith in a chair watching the tv. "Hey Keith, you my babysitter?" You joked.

He looked down at you and smiled. "You had me worried to death." He said which made you blush. You'd never admit it but you had a crush on Keith.

"I don't believe you, but okay."
"Why don't you believe me?" He smirked.
"Keith Mathews caring about Y/n Curtis? Nope, unrealistic."
"Well, believe it sunshine." Your heart fluttered at the nickname. "Y/n I've been meaning to ask you.. "
"Yes Keith?"
"Well I like you a whole lot, so, I was wondering-"
"Really?" He asked shocked.
"Believe it Mathews." He laughed and danced around the living room singing, "Y/n Curtis is my girl, my girl!"
"She's your what?" Said a gruff voice from behind the couch. Darry.
"Darry relax, he makes me happy." You said watching Darry closely.

Darry pointed his finger at Keith, "You hurt her and you're dead meat, understood?" Keith nodded trying to hide his smile until Darry left.

He danced over to you and you laughed sitting up slowly. "Come here." You said. He sat down and you kissed him.

After pulling apart he got up, dancing again and singing, "Best day ever!"
Not getting any requests so far so ima stop asking

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐢𝗺𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬/𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now