Sodapop // Anniversary

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You and Sodapop had been dating for 3 years, your anniversary was on your birthday. Best birthday present ever.

You both were 19, Soda almost 20. He had moved out and bought a house for the both of you. You guys were really struggling with money, which made it even worse when you found out you were pregnant.

You didn't want to add on to the financial problem so you left Soda a note.

Dear love of my life,
Let me start out by saying, I love you, so so much. I hate to leave you, but I recently found out I was pregnant. It is yours, I'm no cheat. You shouldn't have the burden of me and another human being. Don't try and find me I'll come back in my own time. I will not abort this baby, don't even think about it. Again, I love you and I'm sorry.
Talk soon,
Love Y/n

You left the note on your small dining table and grabbed your suitcase you had packed earlier. A tear escaped your eye as you took in the room for the last time.

You walked out the door, locking it behind you. You put your luggage in the trunk and drove to your aunt's house.

You and your aunt had a close relationship and you had already called her. She was delighted to have you and a mini child running around, which was a relief.

You were glad you still had some sort of motherly figure. Yours left you after your father died heroically in battle. Your presence reminded her to much of your father and she left. You were already 16 by then and continued living in the house she left. That was the year you met Sodapop, oh how you fell in love.

You arrived at your aunt's and she greeted you with a hug. The next day you both started working on the baby's room. Painting the walls a gender neutral color and decorating the furniture to match.

It took a month to finish the room meaning you were a month and a half along. In about another month the doctor could find out the gender.

You didn't want to know the gender, but your aunt did so she took you to the appointment. You didn't find out the gender, but you did find out there were multiple mouths going to need to be fed. Three to be exact, yes triplets.

Thank god I'm out of Soda's hair, you thought, what a burden that would've been.

Your aunt quickly set up two additional cribs and made you relax as she did so.

It was now 6 months in and the cravings and morning sickness did not cooperate. You craved pickles and peanut butter for some odd reason, which your stomach did not agree with.

A month later the cravings were more normal and you learned to control the morning sickness.

You spent most your time napping and eating in the eighth month as the time came near.

You woke up in the middle of the night really needing to pee. Just as you were about to reach the bathroom water trickled down your leg and a pain much worse than period cramps washed over you.

"Kendall!" You practically screeched. Your aunt came rushing in and immediately grabbed the baby bag and going downstairs to warm the car up.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐢𝗺𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬/𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now