Steve // Jealous

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You were in the shop part of the DX where your boyfriend, Steve, worked.

Right now Steve was working on a car while his best friend, Sodapop, was trying to entertain you. It was working and you were laughing at his incredibly cringeworthy jokes.

You were laughing and accidentally let out a snort. Sodapop chuckled, "Did someone let a pig in here?"
"Sodaaaa!" You whined and shoved his shoulder. He put his hand on your arm lightly while giggling.
"Sorry." He smiled and you couldn't help smiling too.

You heard the door from the garage slam and Steve angrily yell, "What is going on here!?" Soda backed away from you and both of your faces fell as you looked to Steve.
"We weren't doing anything, I swear." You said hopping down from the stool you were sitting on.

He didn't say anything and you walked over to him. You reached your hand to his face, but he smacked it away. Frankly it hurt, and tears welled in your eyes at his actions.

"Look, you don't have to hit me for it. And whatever's going on in that head of yours isn't true. I-I love you and you know that I would never do this." You said, stumbling on your words.
"Maybe I don't know that." Steve said coldly.
"I've never made you laugh that hard and I saw how you looked at him. Maybe your better off with Soda."
"Come on man, you don't know what your saying." Soda chimed in.
"Maybe I am," You said ignoring Soda, "at least he trusts me!"

You angrily stormed out of the DX.
"Y/n!" You heard Soda call, but you didn't turn or stop. You kept going and never went back.
Um so yea.. Really fun anyway requests please and THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 100 READ <3

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