Two-Bit // Cheat pt. 2

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You had the child. You couldn't afford abortion, even if you could you wouldn't look into it. Just because this baby wasn't going to have a father doesn't mean it won't live.

It was a girl, Mia Liliana Mathews, and she was absolutely gorgeous. Even prettier as she grew up. She reminded you of your sister, Eliza, so much that you could've sworn Mia was hers sometimes.

You had moved to Orlando, Florida when Mia was four. Now she's six and she wants to go to the fairly new Disneyworld, opened in 1971.

You saved up for months to get her what she wanted in time for her birthday, May 27. Well, you got your goal and purchased two tickets for the park on her birthday.

"Yes sweetie?"
"Can we go to Disneyworld? You promised we would on my birthday, and today is my birthday."
"I know pumpkin, that's why you got to go get in your favorite outfit before we leave." Her face lit up as she hopped to her room.

You two soon caught the bus to the theme park and walked into to the happiest place on earth.
"Mommy! Mommy! Look at the man's Mickey shirt! I want one just like it!"

You laughed and so did the man in the shirt.
"I'm afraid these shirts are before your time." He said.
That's when you looked up and saw who you were talking to.

Out of an entire theme park he still manages to be the one your daughter spots.
"Um.. Sweetie. Take mommy's hand, we should get going." You said and your daughter took your hand, but she didn't budge.

"Mommy, do you know him?"
"What a silly thought." You looked at your daughter and smiled.
"I agree y/n, a silly thought." Fuck, you thought. He remembered you.
"He knows you, why don't you know him?" You knelt down to her level and picked her up as you exhaled a deep breath.

You turned to him again. "It's good to see you Keith, you look well."
"Same goes for you. So, young lady, what's your name? Your full name."
"Mia Liliana Mathews."
"But your mom's last name is y/l/n."
"It's my dad's last name. My mom says he used to call himself Two-Bit. He loves Mickey and telling jokes. That's why I love Disney, makes me feel like I have a part of him. Mommy said he did something bad and she had to leave."
"Aren't you a little philosopher?" Your daughter smiled as he turned to you.

"So you talk about him?"
"If she can't know him she can know about him."
"You still love him, don't you?"
"No comment."
"Well he still loves you. Has for seven years."
"If he loved me he wouldn't have done what he did."
"It was a mistake y/n."
"I'm sure it was, anyway, we're going to be leaving."
"No, I want him to spend the day with us mommy." You sighed not wanting to disappoint her, you agreed.
You caught the bus home, Keith still with you by your daughters wishes.
You arrived at your house and told your daughter to go to her room and put pajamas on. "Only if you both come read me a story."
"Okay, okay, now go." You unlocked the door and she ran to her room.

"So, why are you in Florida?" You asked.
"You think I'd miss Disneyworld?"
"I don't know you like I used to, Keith."
"I'm still me, the stupid one who realized too late what he had."
"Is this your attempt at an apology?"
"Okay, fine, I forgive you."
"Thank god. I don't what I would've done if you didn't." He said getting down on one knee.
"Keith Mathews what are you doing?"
"I've been carrying this around for six years in hopes I would find you again. I did, and now I'm never going to lose you. Y/n y/m/n y/l/n, I love you. Will make me the happiest man on earth and be my wife?"
"Oh my.. Of.. Of course!" You cried out. He jumped up and kissed you.
"Finally! Best birthday ever!" You look at the door and see your daughter standing there. You and Keith laughed and went to read Mia a bed time story about two people, much like yourselves, and how they lived happily ever after.
Unrealistic but cute so I'm having mixed feelings.
Comment requestsI only have so many ideas!

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