/breaking up/

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Sodapop: The girls that flirted with him at the DX eventually got under your skin. They would say mean things about you or how you don't deserve him. You came to his work one day bawling your eyes out. "Y/n what's wrong?" You didn't answer his question, just cried harder. "Soda I-I c-can't do this anymore. I'm s-sorry." With that you left. He never really moved on or understood.

Darry: You two just never had time for each other. He would come home late and you'd be asleep. You'd leave early and he'd be asleep. One night you stayed up late, waiting for him. "Darry we need talk." He sat down next you and took your hand in his. "I love you so much Darry, but I never see you. I was thinking we'd be better off going separate ways." He understood completely "Agreed, and I love you too Y/n." You smiled sadly and kissed his cheek. You left thinking it was mutual, but Darrel didn't go to work for a week straight.

Two-Bit: "Keith Mathews! It's 8 in the fucking morning and you're already drinking!?" He drank too much, you felt you could never catch him sober. "Shut up Y/n! You're not my mother!" You were taken aback by his tone. "No I'm not, but you're a guest in my house!" "If you have a problem with my choices then I'll leave!" "Leave then! And don't come back!" He angrily stormed out the house, forgetting to close the door. You closed the door and slid down it, crying for the mistake you just made.

Dallas: Cheating. You never had expected it. Especially after him going through the heartbreak of being cheated on, and so have you. "Hey Buck! Dally home?" He stepped in front of you before answering. "Uh.. yea, but you don't want to go up there." You were confused and pushed passed him. "Nothing I can't handle." He winced at your words as you ascended the stairs. You heard the bed squeaking from down the hall and you ran to his door, practically knocking it down. You gasped and tears filled your eyes at the sight of a naked blonde all over a naked Dallas. "Fuck you Dallas Winston!" And you ran out of the bar.

Ponyboy: He came to your place soaked with a scared looking Johnny. "Y/n, where's your brother?" You were hurt that he ignored you. "Dally's upstairs sleeping." "Can you get him please?" "Can I take a message?" "Come on Y/n, this is serious." You huffed. "Why can't you tell me? I am your girlfriend after all!" He ran his hands through his drying hair. "Johnny and I have to leave and we need Dally's help." "Fine I see how it is. When will you be back?" "Possibly never." Your eyes widened. "What about your brothers?" He simply scoffed, which surprised you. "What about us?" You asked quieter. "I guess we're over Y/n." He said softly. "I guess so. I'll get Dally."

I can't picture anyone breaking Johnny's heart or Johnny breaking someone's heart so we'll leave them together.

Steve: It was your brothers. Being Sodapop's twin, he did not approve of you dating his best friend. Ponyboy said Steve was mean and would break your heart, and Darry was just overprotective. One day it all got to you and you ended up breaking your own heart. "Steve I've been thinking. About us." His eyes widened slightly. "I was thinking maybe we should take a break." Tears stung your eyes. "Is it because of your brothers?" You nodded. "Y/n, we can get through this." "I'm sorry Steve, but I'll still see you around. You are Sodapop's best friend." You gave him one last kiss and entered your house to go cry in your room. He entered the living room and practically ignored everybody.


Making myself sad. Also I'm sick so we're gonna be on that grind for writing.

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