Johnny // Guardian Angel

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You're Sodapop's twin in this.


"Darry please let me go to this party!" You begged. You've been begging Darry for the past week and he kept saying no.

"Y/n! I said no and I mean it!" Darry finally yelled at you, which startled you, but you still fought back.

"Would it make you feel better if Johnny came with me?" You spat since Johnny was just watching this entire thing go down in the living room.

Darry looked to Johnny then to you and sighed, "If Johnny goes it's fine."

"Wait, I don't get a say in this?" Johnny spoke up and you giggled a little. You always thought Johnny was cute, and that's why you were secretly dating him. The entire gang knew except Darry, and you knew if you told him he would do anything to keep the two of you apart.

You ran up to Johnny and got on your knees and started begging, "Please, please, please, go with me Johnnycakes!" He chuckled.

"Okay, but you owe me." Johnny agreed and you knew owing him would result into a kiss, that would turn into a makeout session.

"Yaaayyyy!" You got up and danced around the room, then took Johnny's hand and ran to your room.

"Why are we up here?" Johnny asked you in a not-so-innocent voice and you fake gagged.

"It's a costume party, you need a costume." You said in an obvious voice.

You began tearing things out of your closet for him to wear and decided he would be a bodyguard, just to be ironic. You handed him the outfit and watched him undress and dress again.

It wasn't uncomfortable because you've been dating for almost a year. You were both amazed Darry hadn't caught you yet.

You bit your lip because, damn, he looked fucking hot.

"What are you wearing Y/n?"

"You'll see." You smirked after your statement.

You began to change and when your were done Johnny's jaw dropped. You were dressed as an angel, your top was just a bra with a shit ton of bedazzlement. You wore a white, short, flowy skirt and white wings with a halo headband. You curled your ombre hair and honestly, you looked stunning.

 You curled your ombre hair and honestly, you looked stunning

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(The dog in the background looks fucking terrified)

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." You giggled at your remark and Johnny snapped back into reality. He stood up off your bed from where he was sitting and gently placed his hands on your waist.

He leaned in for a kiss, but you turned your head resulting in him kissing your cheek. He grumbled and you smiled cheekily.

"I'll repay you at this party, where it won't matter if things get freaky." You whispered in his ear and you both smiled.

Soon you both ran off to the party and after arriving you went to get drinks for the two of you. When you came back to where you left Johnny he wasn't there.

You looked around and spotted a worried Johnny being yanked up the stairs by a drunk soc girl. Jealousy and anger boiled inside of you and you stormed up the stairs and punched the girl. She crumpled, from being drunk or your punch, you didn't know or care.

You ran out the door holding Johnny's hand and all the other partiers staring at you. You stopped a little down the road.

"Johnny I'm so sorry I dragged you out of there it's jus-" He interrupted you

"Y/n it's fine, I may be dressed as the bodyguard, but you're the guardian angel." You blushed and smiled. He grabbed your hand and continued to walk to your house.

When you got home no one was up and Johnny said he wanted to spend the night on your couch. It was a little hot for an autumn night so you took off your wings and halo and went to the kitchen for two glasses of ice cold water.

When you came back into the living room Johnny was shirtless and you bit your lip at the sight. He looked up at you and smiled.

He walked over to you and took the glasses of water from you and set them on the coffee table. He took your hand and led you back to his spot on the couch.

He pulled you down on top of his lap so that you were straddling him. He put his hand on your jaw and pulled your face towards his.

The two of you engulfed in a kiss and he didn't hesitate to start making out with you.

You heard someone coming down the hall, but there was a 2 in 3 chance it wasn't Darry. Why would it be? He had to work early so he should be asleep early, right?

"Y/n? Are you hom- WHAT IN THE DEVIL!?" (Irony, because she was dressed as an angel) Screamed Darry.

He turned on the light so more than the lamp on the table lit up the room. Apparently he didn't realize it was Johnny until then because he screamed, "JOHNNY!?"

By now Sodapop and Ponyboy were awake and witnessing this. You asked them a question without saying anything, a little help?

They shook their heads and smiled and you rolled your eyes.

"Y/n, explain why you just had your tongue down Johnny's throat while he's shirtless!" Darry yelled, which was a little quieter than his screaming.

"Remember when he said I'd owe him for him going to the party with me?" You said, but Darry continued to stare at you, not believing you.

"I love Y/n, I have for a year." Johnny intervened as he stood up and stood next you. Your mouth was wide open. He's never said he's loved you yet.

You looked at him, "You really mean that Johnny?" He looked at you and nodded, smiling a goofy smile, "I love you too!" You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss.

Sodapop and Ponyboy were hootin' and hollerin', but you heard nothing from Darry. The two of you pulled apart and looked at Darry for approval.

"Just don't hurt her, ya hear?" Darry sighed.

"Loud and clear." Johnny replied and you ran to Darry and hugged him. Pony and Soda joined the hug and Darry motioned Johnny to join as well.

You were Johnny's guardian angel and Darry was yours.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐢𝗺𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬/𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now