Steve // Surprise

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It was your 2 year anniversary with your boyfriend Steve. You kept hinting at it over the week, but he seemed to have forgotten. You hoped that wasn't the case.

You wore what you thought was your cutest outfit, Steve loved it too. You grabbed your purse and keys and left out the front door to Steve's.

You arrived and knocked on the door. Steve opened the door and smiled at you. He stepped out the door and gave you a lazy cheek kiss.

You two began walking and you asked, "What're we doing today?" He didn't even look at you when he responded.

"Just the Curtis house, nothing special." You looked away from him and frowned, walking the rest of the way in silence.

You two walked in the front door to be met with only half the gang, only the Curtis brothers were home.

Steve sat on the couch and pulled you onto his lap, kissing your neck. Normally you would giggle and blush, but you weren't feeling it. He noticed, but decided to stay quiet.

"Oh hey Steve, Y/n," Darry greeted, "I have to get going to work. Can you guys make sure Sodapop and Ponyboy leave to get groceries?"

You nodded and put on a sad smile, "Sure thing Dar, have a good day." He nodded goodbye and left.

About an hour or so later Sodapop and Ponyboy were leaving for groceries in a hurry. It was just you and Steve left in the house.

He kissed your neck making you turn your head to him. He kissed your lips, trying to start a make out session, but when you didn't kiss back he pulled away.

"What's wrong Y/n?"
"Nothing, just tired." He could tell you were lying.
"Do you want me to walk you home?" You nodded and you both got up and left.

He had his arm around your waist as you walked and it only made you sadder.

As you passed the lot he said, "Y/n, look." You reluctantly looked up at the lot to see it decorated nicely.

Lights hung in the trees and candles were lit here and there. In the center of the lot laid a blanket and a picnic basket. Tear brimmed your eyes and you held your hand to your mouth.

"Steve? Did you do all of this?" You asked.
"I had some help." That's when you saw 6 familiar figures emerge from the shadows. They made there way towards you.

As they did Steve whispered in your ear, "Happy anniversary." You turned to him, a smile on your face.
"I love you!" You jumped in his arms and he whispered back, "I love you too." And kissed your temple.

How sweet! What's your opinion on surprises? Do you like them or no?
Also just almost had a panic attack because my charger broke inside my phone and almost got stuck, but I got it out

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐢𝗺𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬/𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now