Chapter 1

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A/N: My side characters/OC are the same as their original appearance when they appeared on their respective games. Because I am not very good at describing the appearance and creating new characters so I will just use some characters from other Final Fantasy games just picture them on their outfit and personality but I will just change their surname. Enjoy!

Zack and Aerith's appearance will be based on FFVII advent children.


The Answered Prayer
"Maybe there's only a dark road up ahead. But you still believe and keep going. Believe in the stars will light your path, even a little bit. Come on. Let's go on a journey. -Kaori Miyazono (Your Lie in April.)


'In a time unknown, only a prophecy kept hope alive in people's hearts. 'When darkness veils the world, the King of Light shall come.'

August 30, M.E 735

Ten years after The Great War between Niflheim and Lucis started. The destined King of Light has been born in the line of Lucis, Noctis Lucis Caelum. His birth prophecies the end of the never-ending darkness that lingered in the world of Eos but only time will tell whether the prophecy will be fulfilled.

After a month of birth of the prince, the queen died. The joyous celebration turned into sadness and sorrow, The whole kingdom mourned for the death of their beloved Queen, even with a broken heart King Regis did not falter. The kingdom still needed him and his son. He stood tall ready for anything that may come his way. Even fate had been cruel to him, he did not question it and followed the path of the Kings before him. But fate has other plans. A single star shining brightly in the sky will change the fate for him and his son the King of Light.

September 22, M.E 735

The bright full moon illuminated the calm sea and gave a perfect reflection of the stars above. A couple sitting at the end of the makeshift dock of Galdin Shoals both of their feet touching waters below. The female leaning on her partner's left shoulder stared in silence at the beautiful sea before them, her long brown braided hair plaited with a large pink ribbon, lightly covered their intertwined hands.

The female took a deep breath and said softly, "Why are we here Zack?"

"Well, I did promise you that we go on a date for our wedding anniversary,"

"Yes, but why here?" The girl stopped leaning and looked lovely at Zack's blue mako eyes.

"It's been two years since we are trying to have the child but The God's above won't hear our prayer," Zack gazed to her emerald ones and gazed at the sea. "They are rumors that God's gathered at that island," Zack pointed at Angelgard where the moon hovered in between two peaks that resemble wings giving it a mysterious glow.

"Maybe if we pray near them they can hear us, Aerith I wa-," he said with a gentle tone.

Before he can finish his sentence Aerith hugged him and said "With or without a child, I still love you, Zack," Aerith said as she caressed his face.

"I just want you to have the life you always wanted," Zack whispered as he held her hand close to his face.

"You're the only one I need Zack and beside you can't be a role model for your child. You are reckless and impulsive," Aerith said as she took her right hand away and gently smacked her knuckle in Zack's head.

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