Chapter 22

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Recalling of the Past: Broken
"To much hope is the opposite of despair, an overpowering love may consume you in the end" -Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII)


The king's chamber was filled with silence once more. Reno and Carbuncle went to their masters to check if they were doing fine and not being affected by what is happening. While people inside the room stood up to stretch their sore muscles from sitting for a long time. Regis gazed at the clock, it's already 2 in the morning. He started to feel sleepy but he needs to finish this. He needs to know what really happened. After five minutes the guardians returned and the King's people went back to their seats after making sure everyone was ready. The Mystics took a deep breath and sat up straight on his chair and continued his story.

"After hearing the great news from the oracle and knowing that is just a matter of time before can finally defeat Diabolos and his minions, my siblings and I started to relax for a bit, knowing we are winning, but we were wrong, Diabolos was just waiting for the right time to strike,"

The sphere started to glow again and showed his memory.


He was busy reading the scroll in front of him, studying, and looking at the new laws that need to be approved. He was inside his chamber on his desk. When someone knocked on the door.

"Come in,"

"Good Morning!" Astraea greeted him with a smile as she walked towards his desk.

"Morning," his eyes gazed at her, "What...?" he stopped as he studied her appearance and chuckled, "What are you wearing?"

?" he stopped as he studied her appearance and chuckled, "What are you wearing?"

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(Red mage outfit by Raemz-Desu)

"Ohh.. this?" she twirled around, "I made this, does it look good?"

He looked at her from head to toe, he noticed the white feather on the cavalier hat, he laughed, "It's good but do you need the hat?"

Astraea pouted, "Yes... It completes the look, why does it look silly?" she asked while playing with the feather.

He shook his head, "No... it's great Astraea it's perfect, so where are you going?"

"Hunting! Want to come?" she said gleefully.

He sighed, "Again? Did we go yesterday?

"Yes, but we never did catch the Ghastly Griffon,(FFXV Comrade). A messenger came and said it's attacking the nearby town. They requested us to kill it. So are you going?"

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