Chapter 30

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A Warm Welcome
"Friends eat ice-cream together and talk and laugh about the stupidest things."
-Axel (Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days)



After resting for just a few hours, Regis woke up and started his day with a meeting with the council members, where he retracted his order and ended the lockdown on the Citadel. Because of the recent attack, they did not have the choice, to tell the truth of what really happened inside the council room. With Somnus's blessing Regis told the truth about Diabolos existence and the true history of Eos, he even told about the warriors of light to the people who work inside the Citadel, Crownguards, and few notable members of the Glaives. But he did not reveal their family's dark secret. Just like Reno did he made them sworn to secrecy. After being brief, the glaives and guards were now back at their original post, and the life inside the Citadel returned to normal. When the meeting was over, Regis had a conversation with Somnus inside his chamber together with his shield.

"Are you sure that we did the right thing? Revealing the Dark Astral to them and about the true history of Eos?" Regis asked while sitting on his desk with Clarus by his side.

"The truth will be revealed eventually," Somnus said as he stood in front of the fireplace and gazed at the raging fire. "Telling them what happened to Solheim and the real history of Eos will help us in the long run," he turned towards the King and the Shield. "Now they know who the real enemy is and with this knowledge, they will help us protect the Warriors of Light for we need all the help we can get."

"Are you sure Diabolos won't attack again?"

"Yes, I'm sure, Bahamut had told me that they were able to lock him again in his realm and as long as we kept the shards of the Crystal of the Astrals here as added protection we are safe. But just let my sister keep the Ice and Fire crystal in her possession. It will help her control her ability for the time being."

Regis nodded. "Glad to hear that, so about Astraea's safety, do you want a glaive to be assigned to her as her guard?"

"No... she won't like that, she doesn't like being followed and protected all the time, and beside Reno is with her."

"Are you sure?" Clarus asked. "It won't hurt to give her added protection. After all, Reno is childish if you ask me. Not only that, but he is also impatient and mischievous and does not respect authority. Is he really a divine messenger? For his action does not reflect it at all."

Somnus chuckled. "Yes... I'm sure. I know Reno could be troublesome, and his actions might not be suited as a Messenger, but let me tell you something, Clarus. He might be childish and cocky, but rest assured he will do everything to protect his family. Not only that, but he is also like a brother to us. So please be patient with him, and don't worry, you will get used to his antics very soon."

"If you said so, but can I have your blessing?"

"My blessing... what for?" Somnus asked.

With a straight face, Clarus asked. "Can I hit him if he crosses the line?"

Somnus was taken aback but after a second he chuckled softly. "Sure, you can do that, Clarus. You might not be Gilgamesh's descendant, but you still act like him. Our memory did not show it. But he and Reno always argue, and sometimes it will go into a full-blown fight. But all of that is just for fun, and they never mean it. So if I were you don't let him get into your head, but still, you have my blessing if he crossed the line you can whack him, you can even throw him in the dungeon if you like." he joked.

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