Chapter 6

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A/N: I don't know if I'm portraying King Regis right, after all, he has a little amount of screen time on the game. But I did watch the Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV and the Kingsglaive movie. So I will try my best to portray him. There will be two guest characters appearing in this chapter, one will be a prominent character in the story. He is an OC but I will be just using the appearance of a final fantasy character, one of my favorite characters. Hope you enjoy it.



The King and the Messenger
"Hatred and sorrow are power. They are yours to control. All you have to do is turn them into strength and use it to move forward."-Sebastian Michaelis(Black Butler)


Astraea blinked several times letting the information sink, the room went silent for a few seconds, Astraea eyes widened in the realization of what she had done and her hands began to glow red as the color of her hair changed color.

"You're the what!!??" Astraea bellowed as her hands burst into flames and set the bedsheet on fire.

"AHH!!!!"Astraea leaped out of bed and tried putting out the fire with a pillow.

King Regis held his hand up suddenly the flames turned to ice. Astraea turned to him and bowed her head down.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorrryyy" she stammered as her hair started flickering and her body started shaking.

"Its okay little one, you don't have to apologize," Regis said as he stepped forward.

Astraea looked up her eyes flickering, King Regis saw this and gave her a warm smile. Her eyes stopped flickering together with her hair as she smiled nervously back at the King.

"You have us worried Astraea, you've been asleep for almost a week," Cor informed her as he walked beside her.

"Wait, what?" Astraea turned to her mother.

"Sorry I did not say anything, I know you're going to freak out," Aerith said as she put two hands on her shoulders.

"I'm okay Mother," she said and turned towards the King and bowed again. "I'm very sorry Your Majesty, I did not know who you are, this is the first time seeing you,"

"How can you not know who the King is?" The other man asked.

She turned to him and said, "Well, my parents are very protective of me and they never tell me anything about what is happening outside of Galahd and my father," she paused as her eyes started to water. "He never did tell me and show me a picture of the royal family or anything related to the crown city,"

"Zack Lumina did that? typical of him I thought he knew better, as a formal crownsguard."

She glared at him. "Yes my father did that," Astraea replied, her voice has a hint of anger to it. "So you are you?" she narrowed her eyes at him as it turned crimson.

The man shifted as he saw her crimson eyes but maintained his composure. "I'm Clarus Amicitia, The King's Shield."

"New to meet you Mr. Amicitia, but I would like to stop belittling my father," she said as her hair started to turn red, her voice getting louder as she continued. "I knew he abandoned his role as a crownsguard and became a hunter, but he never abandoned his people."

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