Chapter 20

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A/N: Chapter image cover by tamiyan300. Just picture Astraea in Aera's place.


Recalling of the Past: Sister's Keeper
"Do you know why the big brother is born first? It's to protect the little brothers and sisters that come after him." -Kurosaki Ichigo(Bleach)


Ardyn stepped out of the car and walked towards the floating fortress of Zegnautus. He was met by two of his personal female guards in the grand hallway.

"Chancellor Izunia, welcome back, " both of them said with a bow.

"Thank you...ladies, it must be tired waiting for me to come back?"Ardyn gave them a seductive smile while tipping his fedora at them.

"Not at all, Chancellor," one of them replied, "You must be tired? Do you want us to accompany you to your chamber and help you relax Chancellor?" she said while stepping to his right and putting her hands on his broad shoulder and the other guard went and hooked a hand in his left arm.

He chuckled, "Sorry... ladies but not today..." he said and stepped forward and he continued to walk towards the elevator not stopping even hearing a disappointed sigh from both guards. He just chuckled to himself and pushed the elevator button. When the door opened he was met by one of the Imperial Generals.

"General Caligo," he greeted.

"Chancellor...," The General gave him away as he entered the elevator, the door closed and the elevator moved, "I heard that Glauca failed to get the girl and we have lost three dreadnought, several airships, and about a hundred magitek soldiers."

"Yes, he did,"

"Are you taking responsibility for this failed mission, Izunia? after all, Glauca is under your command." Caligo asked while smirking.

Ardyn's face fell and gaze at him, Caligo shifted on his feet as he felt an ominous present inside the elevator.

The chancellor just chuckled darkly, "It's just one battle, besides we had the Lucians under our feet now,"

"Are you sure? Our army has difficulty defeating their defenses as of late they are able to get back the bases we established and I heard that you brought Dr. Hojo's family from Galahd. What is this girl you after? what are you planning?"

"Don't worry about it...Just do your job and I do mine," the elevator door opened and he stepped out and tipped his hat towards The General. "Good night General," he grinned at him as the door closed.

After closing the doors of his chamber he let out a deep sigh and removed his hat, scarf, and coat and threw it on his bed and he opened a mini-fridge and took a bottle of red wine and he poured himself a glass and went towards his desk beside the unlit fireplace. He threw himself at the chair and put both feet up at the table and leaned back. With a snapped of his finger, purple flames burst out from the fireplace and a whisper appeared.

"Report..." he said as he took a sip of wine.

"Our master was defeated..." After hearing that Ardyn slammed the wine glass on the table, It broke under his hand and it cut him but after a few seconds, the cuts have now healed. He turned towards the whisper, "WHAT!"

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