Chapter 14

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A/N: To all my readers, thank you for reading my story and hope you're still enjoying it :) I have to change the chapter title from Diabolos and The Caelum's Dark Past to The of Dark Astral And Weakness of One's Heart

There are two quotes for this chapter, one is from an anime and one is from an Unknown Author.

"For a friend is someone who can see the truth and pain even when you're fooling everyone else." -Unknown Author

The Dark Astral And The Weakness of One's Heart
"If nobody cares to accept you and wants you in this world, accept yourself and you will see that you don't need them and their selfish ideas" -Alibaba Saluja(Magi).

The lights inside the council room started to flicker as the purple flames became bigger and bigger. The glaives and their captain summoned their weapons and surrounded the table while council members back away from the flames. Cor and Clarus went in front of the King. Ignis and Gladio did the same with Noctis while Prompto stood beside him. Astraea just stood petrified and kept looking at the flames, Aerith stood in front of Astraea, pulling out her staff, while Reno transformed into his Phoenix form to try to extinguish the flames. He flapped his massive wings but it did not do anything and he was about to do it again when a low and sinister voice came out from the flames.

"Lucians......." the voice laughed, as a pair of yellow eyes appeared in the middle of the flames. They all stopped breathing as they felt a dark and evil presence filled the room. "Do you think you can defeat me??" all of them cover their ears with their hands as the dark voice ringed loudly inside their ears and their head. "The Astrals failed to do so... why do you think you can?" the voice asked as its gaze darted across the whole room looking and making eye contact at everyone its gaze landed lastly on the fire maiden. "Ifrit's champion," he smirked. Reno went towards the mother and daughter and enclosed his wings protectively around them. The flames became larger as it showed the silhouette of Diabolos it hovered in the middle of the flames. "Ifrit's messenger, it's nice to see you again Reno..." he said coldly.

"Diabolos!" Reno sneered as he enclosed his wing more closely around his master.

"How does it feel to fail your masters and your god??" Diabolos snickered.

"Shut up!" Reno shouted back.

"You will fail again just like in Solheim and in Lucis..." Diabolos' sharp yellow eyes darted down at Astraea who was shaking in fear.

"No, I won't! I will not let you win this time Diabolos," Reno said as his comb burst into flames and ran down his spine and into his wings.

Diabolos smirked at the sight of it, "Do you think you can defeat me, guardian? Ifrit is now under my control....and I will be able to control his champion too..." his yellow eyes focused on Ifrit's champion, "Astraea......"

Astraea tense up as she heard the God of darkness mention her name he laughed, "You are still fighting??" Diabolos said as he spread out his wings, "Doesn't matter you will still lose...'' the dark Astral pointed his claws at her, "Do you think they will accept you? After all, you have done.." Astraea tried to speak but she was silent by the laughter of the dark astral, "Let see if they will still want you after knowing what your flames unleash," Diabolos laughed again and it resonated around the room as his shadow disappeared. The purple flames started to show a video. The video is a first-person point of view of someone's memory. It started as the person kept running towards the sound of beasts fighting in the distance when the person arrived at the clearing, they heard the person gasped after seeing a pack of Sabertusks surrounding a Red Chocobo chick.

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