Chapter 16

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A/N: Sorry again the title has changed from The trial of the Astrals and Caelum's Dark Past to The trials of the Astrals.

The Trial Of The Astrals
"I can see why the crystals chose you. I can feel the light within you...strong, yet gentle..."- Aria Benett (Final Fantasy III)


"Trial!? So all we went through is not enough? we still have to prove to you that we are worthy?" Noctis asked while glancing at Astraea. While Astraea cannot stop staring at the founder king.

"Being the champion of the Astrals is not that simple child," Ramuh said as he hovered near them, "You have to make sacrifices, yours and your loved one,"

"What do you mean Fulgurian?" Astraea focused her attention on him.

"You need to be prepared for the future and if you need to sacrifice the lives of others do so..."

Astraea stepped forward, "No.. I won't do that....I will save everyone... I won't make sacrifices anymore... the death of my father and our people and the destruction of our island is enough! I won't let anyone suffer!"

"You can't, it's the role of the warriors of light, to save the world, you have to make sacrifices again and again," Ramuh maintained his stance.

"NO!!! I won't if that is my future then I won't accept your blessing....." Astraea stood straight.

"I was right....." Leviathan said in a disappointed tone, "They are not worthy of our power......the two of them are just like other mortals and they will fall..... the rite of choosing the champion of the Astral can't be attainable." her slit pupils focused on the two, "You two did fall and almost got corrupted by the darkness. We don't need warriors like you, pathetic and worthless mortal," The Goddess of the Sea snarled at them as she raised her head up.

Hearing that Astraea snapped her attention towards the Goddess, "Wait... What?!" she walked forward and passed Reno and Cally while Noctis just stood behind, "First of all, dear merciful Goddess..." she said in a sarcastic tone, "We did not ask for this, we did not ask to be the warriors of light and your champion so stop blaming us for almost losing, second we are just kids for goodness sake!" Astraea's voice kept rising as she gripped the sheath of her sword. "The third!" she pointed her sheathed sword at the Goddess. "You summoned us! you need us to defeat Diabolos and you can't even kill him on your own, that's why you need us and not only that we fought him and we did win against him and his mind tricks and he was not able to corrupt us and we did that all alone without any of your help! and fourth! You can't even stop or kill him permanently and it's 1 against 5 and you still did not win. So who's worthless and pathetic now!" Astraea's brown eyes glared at the Goddess.

Leviathan snarled at her, "What an ungrateful and disrespectful mortal you dare mock the Astrals! Ifrit was wronged to choose your family and he is wronged to choose you. You're going to fail, the bloodline of Izunia, just like your ancestor before you..."

"At least we tried! unlike you... and the God of Fire was not wronged! The Infernian did choose the right thing!"

"And what is that child?" Leviathan asked, still snarling.

"He chose to believe in us.... us mortal which you despise apparently. I know the past people of Eos, did evil things and revolted against all of you. But you can't blame all the people for the sins of a few. Our heart may not be perfect, we can fall into our fears and that fear causes hatred and anger. But we learned how to overcome it. Having the courage to face our fears, gives us hope for the future and we never abandon love. And that what the Infernian saw and he gave us a chance and the people of Solheim proved that. They even helped the other clans to move forward and made the people return their faith to the Astrals." Astraea paused and gazed towards the other Astrals.

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