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Prologue: Solheim & the War of the Astrals
In a time unknown, only a prophecy keeps hope alive in people's hearts. "When darkness veils the world, the King of Light shall come." -Final Fantasy XV

The screams of agony and turmoil rang all over the great city of Solheim. A woman with black hair and wearing a red dress was running for her life leading her were two older men. She wanted to speak but her voice would not come out. She looked up to see several airships locked in battle, some falling in the sky and crashing down around them, causing explosions and fire to ravage the great city.

"Ardyn... Somnus..." she yanked her hands away from them and stopped running.

Both men turned towards her. "Hurry we need to get out of here, Astraea!" the man with brown hair and eyes said as he grabbed her left hand and started to run again.

"NO!!! I WON'T!" she screamed and stopped again. "I won't leave!"

"Astraea, this is not the right time to be stubborn, we need to go!" the man with raven hair and brown eyes said as he grabbed the other hand.

"NO! I WILL NOT LEAVE! I WON'T LEAVE SOLHEIM!" she shouted again, yanking her hands away, tear flowing from her crimson eyes.

"Astraea please we need to go, there is nothing we can do here..." the older of the two males said, raising his hands towards her, his brown eyes pleading for her.

She gazed at the trembling hand of her older brother. Ardyn's white robe is now covered with ash and soaked in blood. In his right hand, a red broadsword was reflecting the glow of fire around them.

"But...I cannot... just-" she choked, "-leave them... brother."

"Sorry Astraea, our brother is right," the younger male whispered. "They are gone now, there is nothing we can do," he said, in his right hand is a bluish color broadsword identical to Ardyn and like his brother, Somnus's clothes, the black and blue robe is now torn and have several burns on it. He slowly grabbed her right trembling hand and squeezed it. "We need to leave... please. Don't let mother and father's sacrifice go to waste...we can't die here," his voice was soft like a whisper. Even with the carnage around them, she can still hear the sincerity of his voice.

"But...Sommy..." her voice trembled, "...we cannot just leave. Let us go back maybe we can still save them."

"Sorry, Astraea, we can't, they are all gone... please we need to go," Ardyn said stepping forward.

Shaking her head, she took a step back. "No... I won't leave, brother..." Without warning, she turned around and went sprinting back towards the palace.

"NO! ASTRAEA!" Ardyn shouted.

Both brothers are about to run after her but an airship crashed in front of them, it burst into flames, blocking their path towards her.

"ASTRAEA!" Somnus shouted.

She did not listen to the screams of her brothers and continued to run towards the palace. Half-way there she came across a soldier.

"Your Highness! What are you still doing here! Please leave right now!"

"No! I want to fight! Let me fight!"

The soldier groaned, "Sorry Princess, you need to leave. Come... let me take you to safety," he grabbed her hand but she yanked it back.

"LET ME GO!" she shouted and pushed the soldier and just like before she turned around and went running again.

Final Fantasy XV: The  Call of the Astrals and the forgotten destinyWhere stories live. Discover now