Chapter 8:

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The Fire Maiden and the King of Light
"This is fate. I'm sure there is a reason that we met. Everything is decided
by fate. A destiny that been determined." -Meteora Osterreich(Re: Creators).


Two weeks later Astraea was given a personal tutor and homeschool at the Citadel and had to spend the whole day studying. She questioned it at first but the King asked her to stay inside her room for the time being and not go outside her room or outside the palace, he explained to her that her existence is still a secret and only the council members and few palace people knew about her. She doesn't like it but doesn't have any other choice but to follow the King. Every day her mother will leave to attend the council meetings and escort the King on his daily agenda. While Astraea is forced to stay and do her school work. Even with all that had happened Astraea is still focused on her studies and still doing great, her tutor is very impressed with her and recommends her to attend Lucis Regal Academy.

Because of her tutor, Astraea loved the idea of her attending the academy and she ended up asking her mother if she can attend the Academy. Her mother said yes but she was to wait a week for them to arrange her transfer in the meantime she was to remain inside her room and attend her therapy sessions. It was changed to two days a week rather than three days. Every Tuesday and Thursday Quistis will visit her and continue their session. After a week Quistis informed her that her progress is amazing and she recommended that they finish their therapy session for she does not need it anymore. She was happy but sad at the same time. So she asked if she could still visit her and talk about other things, Quitis happily accepted it and promised to return during the weekend.

Even with his busy schedule the King still has time to visit Astraea and talk about their day. Astraea asked the King if she could go roam the palace even just a little while. Regis granted the request and gave her permission to roam around the palace every Wednesday but she has to be accompanied by her maids and Crowns guards. She is only allowed to go outside between 1 to 5 p.m and has limited access to each floor of the Citadel. She gladly accepts is better than nothing.


One gloomy Wednesday afternoon, Astraea had finished her school work and asked if she could roam the Palace. The Crownguards granted the request and escorted her while she visited a new floor in the west wing of the Citadel. Together with her maids, they came across the Guard Room.

"So this is a guards room?"

"Yes, Lady Astraea do you want to go inside?" one of her maids asked.

"If I can, I would love too,"

After the guard called their leader, Marshal Leonis, Astraea was allowed to go inside. There she saw multiple screens featuring the CCTV footage of the entire Citadel. She took notes where the CCTV is located and remembered it as it will help her in her plan to escape.

"Where you want to go, Lady Astraea," One the maids asked as he held the door open for her.

"How about the garden, I haven't gone there yet,"

One of the guards stopped her "I'm sorry Lady Astraea, the garden is off limit for you, King's order,"

Astraea let out a puff of frustration and stopped at one of the elevators. She pushed the button to go down when and the other guard stopped her again.

"Sorry, Lady Astraea, but you're are now allowed to go down either,"

Astraea rolled her eyes in frustration, "Fine, I go back to my room!"

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