Chapter 13

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A/N: I don't know if I'm portraying Noctis right, his kinda OOC in some part. I'm trying to portray his attitude from in FF versus 13 his more serious side so sorry if he OOC because I need him like that in this story. To expect more serious acting for him, after all his a crown prince. And the quote in this chapter is not from an anime again is from Joshua Graham and one is my own creation, the Izunia family motto.

"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me," -Joshua Graham


Courage, Hope, and Love  "You need to have COURAGE to face everything head-on, and at times you are lost don't lose HOPE and always remember LOVE is the strongest weapon you have." -Astraea Izunia


Reno closed his eyes and slowed down his breathing. As Astraea's guardian, he could feel her emotions and it's not looking good, her feelings are a mix of worry, fear, and anger. He could feel her anxiety that she wants it to be over with and she wants to run away from all this, "Did I make it more difficult for you Astraea?" he thought as he continued to feel her pain. Reno cursed himself, this is what he is trying to avoid. Did he make a mistake in revealing the prophecy and make it worse for her? After all, he wanted to keep her safe but looks like he made the mistake. She is now one step from losing control, he needs to act fast and he needs to plan his next move. One wrong move or one wrong word could lead her to set the whole room on fire. "Somnus please help me. I don't know what to do" he tried to reach Somnus but the founder King did not answer. "Somnus! your sister needs you!" Still not answered Reno is now starting to lose his temper when he heard a voice call to him.

"Reno, I have a question?"

Reno snapped out from his deep thought and turned to Regis, this is the first time he heard the king call his name as they started. He could hear the fear in the king's voice. He stood straight and looked at the king.

"What is our next move, we are still safe from diabolos reign of terror?" Reno could see Regis's face contorted into fear and worried, the king could not hide his emotion anymore the fear for his son and Astraea. Reno understood his feeling after they have the same feeling right now and that feeling is fear. He just smiled to lessen the negative presence in the room.

"Don't worry your Majesty, The Adagium is weak for now and can't attack-"

"What about Luna? she might be in danger," Noctis stood up and a look of fear plaster on his face.

Reno turned to him and put a hand on his left shoulder, "The Oracle will be alright, Your Highness, don't worry, the high messenger is at her side, and she won't let anyone hurt the Oracle and beside Diabolos needs her,"

"What do you mean?" Noctis asked.

"Diabolos planned to control the other Astrals and the only one who is capable of awakening the other Astrals is the Oracle and beside Diabolos beef is with Bahamut and Ifrit, for he knows they have the power to stop him acquiring his goal. So if I were you, I would have been more terrified with my life than the life of others, after all, you're the destined King of Light, killing you is his top priority and yours too Astraea," he turned to her. "You two are his target, so you need to be more careful now, so no more running away okay?" he withdrew his hand and winked at them to try to ease the uneasy feeling away.

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