Chapter 12

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Adagium and The Warriors of Light
"No matter how many people, you may lose, you have no choice but to go in living, No matter how devastating, the blows maybe." Tanjiro Kamado(Demon Slayer)


The room continued to fill with silence as the messenger gazed towards the king.

"Are you sure you're going to reveal it now Reno?" Regis asked him telepathically.

"We have no choice now, we just need to be ready." he stopped and his eyes glanced towards Noctis and Astraea, "They have to be ready, I know after this both of them will never have a normal life, they will bear the responsibility of being the Warriors of Light," he returned his gaze towards Regis. "Just followed my lead, Your Majesty."

Regis's kingly demeanor changed into a more parently, Reno could see Regis's eyes soften towards his son. He knows that his final revelation will change the lives of Astraea and Noctis in a big way and the lives of their loved one too, but he does not have a choice, he needs them to be ready, and as a messenger of the Astrals, he needs to accomplish his mission, to tell the truth, and protect the future of Eos, which is the King of Light and The Fire Maiden. Reno's face turned into a frown as he remembered all that fire maiden has been thought, her suffering and trouble she went through all the lives that have been lost just to start all over again. He does not want it if he will be the one making the decisions he will wish her to have a normal life, away from darkness, grief, and suffering. He does not want her to remember her past to keep her safe but fate has already in action and there is no stopping it the only thing he can do is to be with her in every step in the way.


The mention of his name, made red-haired flinch a bit as Astraea touched his shoulder, he turned to her and saw her looking at him questionably. "Are you okay?"

He just smiled at her, "Yes, please take your seat, Princess.." he guided her into her seat, she wanted to protest but seeing Reno's happy demeanor changed into a more serious and sad one, she let it slide and took a seat again Noctis did the same. After making sure she is comfortable Reno helped King Regis to his seat. He then returned to the center of the table and glanced around the room.

"I will say it again, nothing will leave this room, all of you are sworn to secrecy," Reno's blue eyes became fierce as he gazed at everybody, his voice low and threatening.

The members of the council shifted into their seats, as they saw his eyes. Prompto gulped and stepped closer towards the future shield, Gladio and Ignis straightened themselves. Cor and Aerith's eyes glanced into each other, they never saw Reno acting his way, they only saw his cheerful and fun side but now the man standing in front of them is different his presence is more on being the messenger of the Astrals not being Astraea's guardian. Mecia, Claudia, and Quistis just lowered their heads down to avoid his intense glare. The glaives were surprised too as they could feel his threatening presence. They just stood straight and looked at him. Astraea wanted to say something but the King was the first to speak.

"You have our word, messenger, nothing will leave this room," Regis spoke in the more regal matter.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," he bowed towards him, "I want to make sure after all don't want to kill anyone here," he nonchalantly dictated, "I will do anything to protect the future of Eos, and its champions," he finished as he stood straight.

The room plunged into an eerie silence, as all the people were surprised by the messenger's words. They all looked at him wide-eyed, Reno's face was straightforward and emotionless, they understood he meant what he said and nobody wanted to react even King Regis was speechless.

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