Chapter 29

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A/N: Sorry about not publishing for three weeks, but I'm back now and will try to post once a week again.

A New life, A New Calling
"You can't escape your fate or forget about your destiny," -Astraea Izunia


The others were speechless yet again as they were startled and horrified. Somnus clenched his fists as he saw how Reno cradled her sister. He could not believe it that his past action led to that for like the others this is the first time he saw Reno's memory. He closed his eyes as he felt the guilt of what he had done to his sister.

I'm sorry, Astraea, I should have been there. I should have protected you. Can you ever forgive me? Can you forgive your big brother? He slowly opened his eyes and gazed at the memory. I just want to protect you. It was so stupid of me to let you go. I thought I was shielding you from the pain from our past. Can you ever forgive me Astra..? for everything... for not being there and casting you out.

"She will forgive you, Somnus. "

After hearing King Regis's voice inside his head, Somnus glanced his eyes at him.

"Sorry for the intrusion, but I can't just help it. The ring made me hear all your thoughts. I apologize..."

"You don't have to apologize, Regis," he replied to him, his gaze returning towards the memory.

"So that is the reason you did that. You were protecting her."

"Yes, that is the reason. I did that to protect just like what you're trying to achieve back then, after knowing that Noctis has to sacrifice himself to save Eos. You pleaded towards the Astrals, towards us you even ask to take his place."

Regis gazed at the ring of the Lucii before responding. "Yes, I remember... I mourned for the fate of my Son. I thought I could not change his fate, that I need to accept the prophecy. As the sole protector of the Crystal, I have a duty to uphold. As King, I need to protect the people and the world, and to do that a sacrifice must be made. But I could not do that to my son. I could not let him die. I wanted him to live, to fall in love, to have a family, to grow old and die peacefully. I wanted to change his fate."

"You cannot change fate, trust me, Regis. For the past two thousand years, I keep trying to change our fate, but every time I do it, fate always finds a way and we can't win against it." he sighed. "Astraea always believes that you can't escape your fate or forget about your destiny. So instead of fighting it, we need to accept and face it head-on. That is the only thing we can do."

Regis nodded slightly. "The title Founder King suits you, Somnus," he glanced at him, with a smile, he said. "For you never gave up... you took all the hardship and made it your strength. I truly admire your persistence. I wish I could be that strong when fate calls me."

"You can be Regis, your Caelum," Somnus shook his head slightly. "No, I mean a... Izunia and we the Izunia, never back down and will always fight with all our might. Trust in yourself, Regis."

"Thank you, I will do everything I can to help Astraea and Noctis. I will protect them with my life."

"No... let us protect them together as a family," With a nod, Somnus finished their conversation.

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