Chapter 10

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The Champion of the Astrals, Ifrit's Flame and Bahamut's Light part 2
"Being weak is nothing to be ashamed of... Staying weak is!" -Fuegoleon Vermillion(Black Clover).


"Astra...." a male voice kept calling her, "ASTRA!" it's getting louder by a second as her consciousness faded in and out "ASTRAEA!"

She bolted upright and looked around and saw that she was back at the haven once again. She felt hands holding her shoulder. She turned her gaze to the side to see the prince looking at her with a look of concerned plaster on his face.

"Noctis?" she asked as she blinked several times to let her eyes adjust.

"Good your alright, I was so worried you were screaming,"

"I was?"

"Yes for a good minute, your screaming someone's name." Noctis said in a low voice, "Are you alright?" he started rubbing her shoulder gently.

Astraea shivered from his touch Noctis noticed it, "Sorry," he blurted as he let go and backed away.

"I was screaming?" she asked while holding her head in discomfort.

"Yes, you are screaming a male's name," Noctis said as scratched the back of his head, "If I heard it right, your calling for Somnus,"

"Somnus.." Astraea whispered as she tried to remember her dream.

"So who is he?" Noctis asked as he sat cross-legged in front of her, "Someone important to you?"

"Why would you say that?" she turned to him and their eyes met.

"Well, the way you screams his name, it's like you're screaming for someone you loved,"

"Really?" she lowered her head, "To be honest I don't know who he is?" she took a deep breath and closed her eyes and saw Somnus standing in front of her his back turned to her "Who are you?" she thought as she remembered the dream.

Noctis opened his mouth to ask another question when they hear someone scream and tires screeching.

Astraea quickly stood up, "What that!"

"HELP!!!" a male voice screamed.

They both look at each other after a second they nod in agreement and sprinted towards the source of the scream.


They arrived at Saulhend Pass where they found a blue truck turn over on its left side, its headlights flickering. They saw several Goblins and Garchimacera surrounding it. They saw one Goblin trying to enter the truck using the driver's side window.

When the driver saw them he shouted at them. "Please help me!"

"Noct, do you have any experience in fighting daemons?" Astraea asked as she unsheathed her dagger from her boot.

"No," Noctis said as he summoned his sword, "This will be the first,"

"Do you want to sit this one out?" Astraea asked again as she turned to him.

"What?" his forehead furrowed as he looked at her, "No way!" he bellowed, "I'm going to fight, I don't want you to have all the fun," he smirked.

"Okay then, just be careful!" Astraea said as she ran towards the truck while running she cast fira at the Imp above the truck. The Imp howled in pain as the fire incinerated it within seconds. She jumped up and tried to pried the door open. "It's stuck,"

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