Chapter 23

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A/N: If you want to see the sketches just search for the name I provided... I wish I could draw like that... and again credit to the owner.

To my lovely readers that made this far, I want to thank you for your support, I just want to inform you that I edit and rewrite the Prologue: Solheim and The War of the Astrals, that edit will play a big part in the future. I did a few edit chapter 3 The flames within too when Kadaj attack Astraea nothing big just added extra few scenes.


Recalling of The Past: Fate
Hope is comforting. It allows us to accept fate, no matter how tragic it might be.
- Yunalesca, (Final Fantasy X)


"What?" The founder king slowly rose from his seat, "She knew what fate leads ahead?" he asked.

Reno was looking at him sincerely and nodded, "Yes and she never stopped believing and hoping. During those days she found comfort, that she saw your future. Your bright future and your son... Hope right? Hope Lucis Caelum,"

Before Somnus could speak the sphere started to show Reno's memory. He decided to sit back down again and just watched the memory in silence.


Reno slowly flapped his wings as he entered Astraea chamber from the terrace before landing he transformed into his human form only to find his master still awake, "You still up?" he asked as he walked towards her. Astarea did not look at him and continued what she was doing, "Astraea?" he stopped behind her to see that she was sketching before he opened his mouth Astraea spoke up.

"Did you find him? Did you find my brother?" she turned around to meet his eyes.

Reno averted his eyes and gazed down, "Sorry...but no... I could not find Ardyn anywhere, Astraea, I'm sorry..."

"It's fine Reno, you should not have to apologize,"

He could see the disappointment in her eyes, he frowned, she noticed it and smiled at him, "I said don't worry, Reno, Ardyn must be hiding...But I know he is safe" she said as she turned back toward the desk and continue to sketch, "Please be safe..." she whispered.

Reno could hear her soft whimpers. She lowered her head, her crimson hair hiding her tears from the guardian. He bit his lip and his hand turned into a fist seeing his master like this, "Astraea," he brushed her hair gently, "Everything will be okay, Ardyn will come back and our family we be whole again," he cooed as he continued to brush her hair.

The fire Maiden sniffled and brushed her tears away and turned to her guardian, "I know Reno... I just... I just....missed him, I miss our happy days together," she tried to keep herself from crying again.

"Oh... come on...Astraea, don't cry," he said as he bent down to meet her eyes, "I'm here... your little Chocobo is here, please don't cry anymore..." he hugged her and she hugged him back.

They shared a moment of silence as they continued their embrace. The only sound was the crackling firewood in the fireplace. After Astraea had finished crying, they broke the embrace. Reno wiped her tears away, "Always remember I will always be here, Princess..."

Astraea gave him a weak smile, "Thank you, Reno. I knew I could always count on you," she hugged him again and he returned it, " master..." After that, he rose to his feet and looked at the desk to find a sketch of someone, "Who is this?" he asked as he grabbed the sketch to get a better look.

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