Chapter 4

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You're my Living Legacy
"There's a time when you have to stop crying and move on."- Jecht (Final Fantasy X)



Astraea woke up in the cold cobble road. She noticed that her clothes had changed, she is now wearing a red dress. She stood up and she studied her surroundings. She was confused because she is now standing in the middle of the majestic city she always dreamt about. But this time the city is whole without a single fire insight. The sun in its highest peak she walked around looked at the white tower. It's more beautiful up close she felt at home and safe. When she arrived at the temple and went there. She pushed open the double doors gently, she saw a throne room. It has two sets of stairs leading to the red throne. In the middle of the stairs is a beautifully elaborated ruby stone firepit with a huge raging fire on it. She walked to the middle and when she heard the doors behind her open and went to look back she saw a blinding light, it forced her to close her eyes but she heard a faint voice calling her name.


Then she woke up again and blinked several times to let her eyes adjust, this time she saw a familiar ceiling, the ceiling of her bedroom. She sat up slowly to see her mother slump down sleeping at the right side of her bed while sitting on a chair. She reached out a hand and brushed her mother's hair. Aerith shot up and looked at her.

"ASTRAEA! You're awake thank the Astrals," She burst out crying as she stood up making the chair fall down behind her as she hugged her.

"Mother? What happened?" She asked as she recalled the events, she blinked a few times that when she remembered. What Kadaj did and the fire Phoenix, she remembered her father jumping into the fire, his wounds and burns he received as hugged her, the last thing she remembered is her father's eyes before she lost consciousness.

"FATHER!" she shouted. "Where is he! is he okay?"

That when Zack burst through the door. Astraea saw her father have multiple bandages on his face, arms and chest and shallow cuts all over his body. She started to cry as she knew that she was the one who inflicted those wounds. Zack ran towards her and hugged her tightly.

"Astraea, Your awake, are you alright?" Zack said his voice was breaking as he sat down on the left side of her bed.

"Yes, I'm alright father," she replied between sobs. "What about you? you look awful,"

"No I'm okay don't worry about me, it's just a flesh wound," Zack reassured her as he held her left hand. "What happened, why did you lose control? Did a beast or daemon attack you?"

Astraea opened her mouth and closed it, as her eyes started to water. Both Zack and Aerith feel her hands started to tremble as they are both holding one hand each using their dominant hand as the trembling started to get stronger they took her hand and held it with both of their hands to stop her from trembling. She revealed everything about what happened. What Kadaj almost did to her, that she was able to protect herself but Kadaj caught her again. She described how they tortured and how long she was able to endure it but in the end, she lost control and summoned the awful and destructive fire. Zack and Aerith teary eyes changed into a pair of murderous ones as their hands tightened around her hands she felt it and whimpered a little, so they let go of her hands. Aerith hugged her again while Zack stood up his fist tighten his eyes ready to kill Kadaj.

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