Chapter 27

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Recalling of the Past: Reunion
"The reunion at hand may bring joy. It may bring fear. But let us embrace whatever it brings" -Final Fantasy VII Remake

Reno snorted, "Funny... Princess, Come on... take my h-" he stopped midway as his smile faded when he saw how Astraea flinched when he reached for her, "Astraea?"

The tears started forming in the corner of the princess's eyes, her body trembling for a bit. For a moment he believed her by knowing his master. Astraea had always liked making jokes because of this he did not believe her and shrugged his shoulders and smirked, "Nice try Astraea, come on..." he reached for her again.

"GO AWAY!" she shouted and smacked his hand.

"Ouch, that hurt!" he laughed while shaking his hand jokingly. Astraea just looked at him with a frightened expression, he sighed, "Okay enough of your shenanigans, your brothers need you, come on stand up...Your Highness" he grabbed her by the forearm and helped her up.

"I said GO AWAY!" Astraea pushed him hard enough that he felt on his butt.

He gazed at her, 'She is not kidding...' he thought, then he remembered what Astraea did two Millennia ago and how would it affect her. Etro had given him a warning that Princess might forget who she and her memory wiped away. He hissed it did come true, The princess has forgotten everything, her life, her brother, and her past. He slowly breathed in and out gently rose to his feet and bowed.

"My apologies," he rose and smiled, "Don't be frightened... I am here to help you, My name is Reno and I'm Messenger of Ifrit and your guardian,"

The princess's eyes softened, "My guardian?"

"Yup," he replied happily and stepped forward, she stepped back, 'This won't work... I need her to feel safe,' he thought, with a deep breath he burst into flames and when the flames died down he was in his phoenix form, he saw how his master eyes widened. "This is my real form, I'm a phoenix and you are my master," he slowly lowered his head to her. Astraea reluctantly held her hand towards his break and brushed it, "Reno..."

"Yes, that is my name," he whispered, "Your name is Astraea... Astraea Lucis Izunia, The princess of Lucis,"

The princess backed away, "Me a prin...cess.?!" she stammered.

He chuckled, " you want me to tell you all about your life, Princess?"

She nodded, "Well then, come sit down," he lowered himself, he changed back to being human, "Come I won't bite," he patted and space in front of him.

Astraea gazed at him for a few minutes during that time his smile never faded. Finally, she went and sat in front of him, he sighed in relief, "Well then what do you want to know...Princess?"

"Everything about me.... About my past and who I am, can you tell me that, Reno?"

"Of course Princess..."

She frowned, "One more thing, can you stop calling me princess, I don't like it."

He laughed, "Nothing has changed, you are still the princess I know," he smiled, "But if you want that, I will follow your command, Astraea," he stopped and gazed at her crimson eyes. "Well then let us start our story... Fire Maiden,"

It took him 30 minutes to tell Astraea who she was. He just told her the important stuff like she is Ifrit's champion and one of the Warriors of Light. Their fight against the darkness and Diabolos, her homeland Solheim, her parents, and brothers. The reason why she lost her memory and why she is here.

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