Chapter 3

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A/N: Warning mature content (sexual, verbal, emotional and physical abuse.)


The Flames Within
"It's not a question of can or can't. There are some things in life you just do," - Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII).


When they arrived home, Astraea went to her room to leave her diploma and changed her clothes. When she opened the door she stopped when she noticed a black box on the table. She walked slowly towards it as she closed the door behind her. She carefully opened the box, she shrieked but quickly covered her mouth with her right hand so that her parents would not hear her. The box fell from her hand to the floor below spilling the contents, she saw blooded feathers and talons. With her shaking hand she read the note attached to it, it said.

"Hope you enjoy this gift -Kadaj"

She broke down and kneeled on the floor and started hyperventilating. Kadaj and his younger brothers, the twins Yazoo and Loz made her life a living hell during their elementary and middle school years. Her body started to tremble as she remembered all the things the trio did to her. Starting the day she returned to school after the incident.


"Oh, look who's back, the monster herself," Kadaj said mockingly as she entered the classroom. All her classmates turned to her, their eyes glaring with hate and disgust. She just lowered her head down and went to her seat as she passed Kadaj. He suddenly kicked her, Astraea stumbled forward and fell on her face, scattering all her books on the ground. Kadaj just laughed seconds later his brothers and all her classmates joined in. She just stayed on the floor as she listened to all of their comments.

"Why did they let her back anyway.." a male student spoke.

"Yeah, Kadaj is right, she's just a monster..." a female student whispered.

"She does not belong here," a female student said in disgust.

"She will just burn us just like she burned the forest."

"Hey get out! we don't want you here," a male student shouted as he threw crumpled paper at her. Seconds later all her classmates joined in. They threw all kinds of things at her, like a broken pencil, eraser, books, and someone even threw a can of soda at her. They all laughed as they continued to call her names.




Astraea eyes started to change color as she held her tears. She suddenly looked up and heard books being torn apart to see Kadaj and his Yazoo destroying her books. While Loz tossed her bag out the window. She just stayed there kneeling the floor as she glared at them.

"What are you looking at Monster!" Kadaj snarled at her while kneeling in front of her, "Are you going to burn me?"

That earned a few nervous laughs around them.

"Come on, we are all waiting," Kadaj mocked as he grabbed her by the cheek, "Show us your true color. "he sneered at her, his cat-like green eyes glaring down on her brown one, waiting for her to respond.

Astraea just turned her face in the other way as the bell rang. The silver-haired boy just chuckled as he stood up and walked past her and kicked her again. She just closed both her hands into a fist as she gathered her things. The door opened and the teacher walked in to find her on the floor with all the scattered papers and books.

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