Chapter 11

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A/N: Can't find any anime or game quote suited for this chapter I decided to put a quote from Bertrand Russell. Sorry for the long update and this chapter is kinda boring there no action on it but it full of information about my own take on Solheim history and packed with photos. Hope you enjoy:)

I will be adding another two-character that will have a bigger role in the future. One of them is my 3rd favorite male character of Final Fantasy series.


Solheim and War Of The Astrals
"War does not determine who is right...only who is left -Bertrand Russell


Noctis grandly took Astraea extended hand as he rose to his feet.

"I'm glad that you are alright Astra," Noctis said with a smile on his face.

"Me, too" Astraea smiled back at him but it soon faded and as guilt took it placed "I'm very sorry, Your Highness, because of my reckless actioned I put your life in danger," Astraea said in a low and shaking voice as she hung her head down her hair falling on both sides of her face as it flickered black to red, red to black.

Noctis laughed, "Don't worry about that and what is happening to your hair, you look like a stoplight flickering," he went and rubbed her hair mockingly.

A vein popped out in my Astraea's forehead, without warning she punched the prince in his injured shoulder.

"OUCH!!!" Noctis jumped back as he held his injured shoulder.

"I serious Noctis!" Astraea screamed at him as tears started to fall, her eyes flickering from brown to red, red to brown.

"I'm sorry okay, it's a joke please don't cry Astra," Noctis said as he tried to comfort her. "I'm okay see, you don't have to worry," he said as he patted her on the head.

Astraea glared it him, Noctis stepped away ready for another attack when Astraea lunged at him and hugged him again. Noctis eyes widened as he returned the hug. They stay like that as the people around them watch in silence.

"ASTRAEA!" Aerith shouted from the hallway.

Astraea jumped and break their embrace and hid behind the Prince. Aerith stormed the room and saw the king, "Good afternoon, Your Majesty," she greeted him with a bow. Regis just nodded at her and he gestured towards the prince, Aerith saw her daughter hiding behind him.

Aerith walked over and stopped in front of the prince. "I'm glad you're doing fine, Your Highness," she bowed down.

"Thank you Mrs. Lumina," Noctis said shyly.

"Astraea," Aerith said as she looked over the prince and saw Astraea looking down at her feet.

Noctis stepped away Astraea saw this and tried to grab his clothes but failed. She looked at him pleading to help her.

"Sorry.." he whispered as he took another step back.

"Astraea," Aerith called her name this time with more authority.

Astraea jumped and shifted her feet and looked straight at her mother.

"You grounded for a month,"

"A month! that's too much!" she retorted.

"You want to add another month to it?" Aerith said as she crossed her arms.

Final Fantasy XV: The  Call of the Astrals and the forgotten destinyWhere stories live. Discover now