Chapter 2

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Life Of An Outside
"Believe in the future, persist in the present. That's what I'll do!" -Firion (Dissidia)


Galahd a region that was attacked by empire fourteen years ago is now slowly rebuilding after the empire had depleted its resources and left it in ruins. Some refugees when to Insomnia the started a new life and joined the Kingsglaive, but some stayed and started to rebuild the once beautiful island. But the daemons are making it too hard to go forward, so King Regis ordered to send some Hunters to help the people of Galahd to recover. Dave the leader of The Hunter organization asked two of his best hunters to help. Zack and Aerith Lumina were ready to retire after years of being a hunter with the main season that they want to live a normal life and raise their adopted daughter Astraea in peace. But because of their sworn duty to protect the people and Zack was born and raised in Galahd, they accepted the mission. Zack with his family returned to Galahd to start a new life.

June M.E. 751

The sun is now on it's the highest peak and several Sabertusk is roaming throughout the forest hunting for their next prey. Their lair is located at the center of the lush eastern forest and where beautiful gemstone imbedded in the rocks are scattered all over their lair. Only hunters are brave enough to go near the liar and the town folks are forbidden to go inside the forest. Astraea now 14 years old was the habit disobeying rules and most of the time will go and collect some of the gemstones. She trekked the forest with ease knowing the layout of the forest at heart and avoiding the Sabertusk at the same time. When she reached the lair she saw three Sabertusks sleeping near the gemstones. With her quick thinking, she grabbed a stone and threw it to the other direction far away from her. The Sabertusks woke up and went to investigate it. After the coast was clear she hurriedly went towards one of the rocks and started digging using her mattock. She is always drawn to rubies and she will do anything to get it even if her life depended on it. After collecting all the rubies in the lair she started to walk back when suddenly a flash of light caught her attention. In one of the rocks, a sapphire is sticking out and shining beckoning her to go to it. She was drawn to it as she touched it. She saw a vision, a great white city engulfed in fire, she took a step back and held her head for it made her dizzy and made her eyesight blurred. After a few seconds, she regained herself and started to pick the sapphire away from the rock. She was able to remove it with ease and dusted the remaining soil using her hands.

"Beautiful," she murmured.

She put it inside her satchel together with her mattock and when she was about to stand up, suddenly a shadow cast above her when she looked up and saw a huge Sabertusk looking down at her from the edge of the rock. The alpha Sabertusk growled at her its saliva dripping. She slowly took a step back when she took another step she accidentally stepped on a twig, it made a snapping sound that sent the Sabertusk launching at her. She quickly did a barrel roll avoiding its sharp claws that clipped the top of her hair. When the Sabertusk launched at her again she quickly untied her cloak and threw it towards the Sabertusk. It engulfed the beast head obstructing its vision, the beast slammed its head towards the rock cracking it in half. It growled and tried to shook and clawed the cloak away, Astraea looked at her surroundings to see which is the best plan of action. When the beast was finally able to remove the cloak and it roared and launched at her again. She was able to avoid it and sprinted towards the river. She could hear the beast behind as she waived past trees and jumped over rocks and dead trees trunk. She could now hear and saw the rushing water of the river in the distance, she jumped up from a cliff and used a vine to swing herself to the other side.

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