Chapter 26

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A/N: Some scenes and dialogue from FFXV Episode Ardyn - Prologue and Final Fantasy XV Episode Ardyn.


Recalling of the Past: Waiting
I will no longer live in the past. We must all look toward the future now.
-Cayenne Garamonde(Final Fantasy VI)


Regis saw a single tear felt from Somnus right eye as he remained standing, he brushed it away so the others would not see it but they did but did not comment on it.

"So what happened after that? Are you able to help Lord Ardyn?" Aerith asked.

"Unfortunately no," Reno answered as he took a seat on the floor again, "We tried everything, but Diabolos grip on him was so strong that we need to keep him asleep, for if he wakes up Diabolos will take over again and spread the scourge yet again. Not only that Lady Ashe told us about a prophecy that Bahamut had given her, the prophecy about the King of Kings. A week after Somnus' Coronation," he paused as he glanced at the Founder King, Somnus remained silent, he just sighed and continued, "Bahamut had given Somnus a new calling to fulfill as the new king of Lucis and that is to con-"

"To continue the line of Kings..." Somnus interjected, all of them turned to him, he continued to gaze at his hands, "Bahamut had given me the task to continue our family bloodline, the Lucis Caelum bloodline. Even with a heavy heart, I accepted my new calling for it was in the prophecy that this King of Kings... The One True King, will be born into my bloodline. So I have no choice to move forward with my life without them, It was hard at first, but eventually, I was able to live my life again and it all thanks to Ashelia,"

"The new Oracle?" Aerith asked.

"Yes..." Somnus glanced at her, "Lady Ashelia Fleuret, the second Oracle of Bahamut, just like Astraea had said... she became my wife... The first queen of Lucis," a gentle smile appeared on his face.

"What was she like, if you don't mind me asking?

"Not at all Aerith..." Somnus replied as he took a seat, "Just like her cousin Aera, she is a benevolent person, but don't be fool by her appearance for Ashe is one fierce woman," he let out a soft chuckled, "I must admit we had feelings for each but after the War of the Astral and destruction of our homeland we became distant at each other and maybe because I we were too busy fighting Diabolos and his darkness. After the death of my siblings, I wanted to spend my remaining time alone repenting for all my sins but Bahamut was another plan for me and made Ashe as my oracle. She is the one who is responsible for helping me to move on, her presence helped me in those dark days as I continue to mourn for the siblings. Our relationship grew from just being King and Oracle after a month we became a couple. Because of the prophecy and what Astraea had told us about our future... about our son. I got worried about the future of my unborn son. I don't want him to go through what I went through. After all, Diabolos is still alive and he might do the same things to my son as what we did to us. All those meaningless fighting, the suffering we went through, I don't want anyone to experience that... No one should ever experience the pain of watching your siblings die. So did a stupid thing...I was not thinking strength back then when I did that... for my emotion got the best of me..." he turned his hands into fists, "I did something horrible the put the entire Lucis Caelum's bloodline in a disadvantage,"

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