Chapter 25

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A/N: Warning!!!! Graphic depictions of violence and characters' death and suicidal thoughts and action and a lot of angst.

Solis Ortus is Latin for Sunrise

There will be two quotes of this chapter on it from an anime and the other one from an unknown author. I have problems looking for the source of it if you know please let me known so that I can credit it, "Leave the past, live the present, create the future," -unknown


Recalling of the Past: Solis Ortus
Don't ever give up. Even if it's painful, even if it's agonizing, don't try to take the easy way out.      -Zenitsu Agatsuma (Demon slayer)


As the memory of the Founder King continued the room temperature drop, as the fire in the fireplace started to die down. They all felt the same feeling they felt back in the council room where Diabolos first appeared to them. The fear for their lives, the feeling of dread. All can't help but shudder as they continue to watch the memory unfold.


Somnus gritted his teeth and tightened his hands around the hilt of his sword, "SHUT UP!" he hissed.

"Oh... did I strike a nerve?" Diabolos mocked as he titled his head to the side.

The Mystic lunged forward and attacked the Dark Astral. Diabolos just chuckled as he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. Somnus lost his footing and stumbled for a bit lucky Gilgamesh was able to catch him and helped him up.

"Thank you..." Somnus said he rose to his feet and gazed around.

A low chuckled echo around them. Then Diabolos appeared behind them at the bottom of the stair. "Is this the strength of the Champion of Bahamut?" he smirked at them.

Somnus pointed his sword at him. Gilgamesh unsheathed his sword as well as he stood beside him.

"I want to thank you... dear warrior..." Diabolos said as he mockingly bowed to him. The founder king just hissed at him as he rose, "I've been trying to kill the princess for years now... it's been very difficult after all, both Bahamut and Ifrit's blessing kept me for getting close to her, but alas you are the one who did it!" Diabolos's piercing yellow eyes darted towards where Reno is at. The guardian is still cradling the body of the Fire Maiden protectively. "For that, I must thank you," Both Diabolos and Somnus' eyes met. The daemon smirked at him, "Finally the Eternal Flame of Ifrit is no more, and it's all because of you..." he changed his voice and used the Astraea's voice, "Sommy... my dearest brother..."

"SHUT UP!" Somnus shouted as he trembled with rage.

The Dark Messenger just chuckled and it echoed around them once again. As the purple flames got bigger and bigger casting ominous shadows around them. Suddenly Diabolos disappeared once again Somnus looked back to Reno.

"Get out of h-" before he could finish his sentence the room started to feel cold and dark. Time froze around them, the flames stopped burning and as the embers stopped in midair he could not move a muscle the only thing he could move is his eyes. It darted across the dark room looking for the Dark Astral. Then Diabolos appeared before Reno. The guardian snarled at him, as he crouched down, "Pour princess she only wanted to save her family," he reached for her face and gently brushed her cheek, "But she ended up dead, her brother fallen into the darkness, such a waste of life,"

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