Chapter 5

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A/N: Warning: Character death...sorry


The Fall Of Galahd
My honor, my dreams, they're yours now. -Zack Fair(Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII)


As the wind picked up it sent embers flying up in the air as the remaining houses are now up in flames as several Magitek soldiers started burning them to let the remaining villagers come out of hiding. The cries and screams of people can be heard all over the war-torn island. The flashing of lightning ran across the dark velvet sky illuminated the island below. There in the center of the village, a group of people is being corralled by Magitek soldiers. Their piercing and glowing red eyes illuminated their dark-green faces as they show no emotion whatsoever and stood perfectly still. A maiden dress in pink is shoved to the ground by a man wearing a metal armor with purple-magenta highlight. As the man raised his giant sword ready to strike the maiden. Suddenly an explosion stopped him and a scream can be heard, that's when a man with spiky black-haired came out from the burned forest with the buster sword at hand and ran across the battlefield to rescue his wife.

"Aerith!!!" Zack shouted as he sliced a magitek axeman in half when it blocked his path.

Zack is only several yards away from his wife. Slicing and destroying every magitek soldier blocking his way. His focus in his battle that he did not notice a magitek engine stopping and hovering above him. A piercing scream from Aerith caught his attention when he turned towards her. He saw the man in armor had cut her in the shoulder.

"Aerith! stay away from her!!" he shouted as he sprinted towards them. He stopped when suddenly the magitek engine blasted him with blinding light from above obstructing his sight. He covered his eyes with his glove hand that's when he heard several footsteps around him. When the light died down, he was now surrounded by Imperial troopers, their rifles aimed at him.

"Zack Lumina if I am correct?" The man in armor said in a low menacing voice as he walked towards him the imperial troopers giving way.

"General Glauca!" Zack hissed at him as he tightened his grip on his buster sword ready to attack.

"So you knew about me, it's a great honor. You're a legend in the hunter association, your name is well known in Insomnia, but it is a shame it will all end here," General Glauca raised his left-hand signaling the troops to get ready to fire. Zack black clothes now illuminated by several red sight lights from the Imperial troopers and two from the imperial sniper riding the magitek engine from above. As a large thunderstruck the sea it started to rain. Zack just tightened his grip on his buster sword as he made his last stand. As General Glauca swung his hand down. The sound of several rifles being fired at once pierced the air. As Aerith shrieked her beloved husband's name.



The sound of the clock ticking is the only sound that can be heard inside the master bedroom as the family cuddle together sleeping peacefully. When the clock strikes 3 A.M the piercing scream of their daughter woke them up.

"NO!!!!" Astraea bolted upright as she reached a hand in the air, her eyes started flickering brown to red and red to brown together with her hair. She could feel her heart beating rapidly as her body started to tremble in fear for what she saw in her dream.

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