Chapter 31

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"Life is a flame that is always burning itself out, but it catches fire again every time a child is born. Life is greater than death, and hope than despair." -George Bernard Shaw.


The next day, Reno was the first to wake up. He slowly got out of bed and transformed back into his human form. He looked down to see his master still sleeping peacefully. With a smile, he gently brushed her head.

"Astraea... wake up... it's morning," he whispered.

"Five more minutes..." Astraea murmured and stirred.

He chuckled. "Okay then, Princess... five more minutes," he pulled the covers over her body and brushed her head once more before walking up the terrace doors. Silently, he opened it before stepping out. He yawned and stretched his arms over his head and breathed the morning air. After a minute he went inside and heard a knock on the door. Silently he walked towards it and slowly opened it to find Mecia and Claudia.

"Oh... Good Morning, Mr. Sinclair," both greeted and bowed.

"Ladies... please drop the formalities. Just call me Reno," he smiled.

Both nodded. "As you wish, Reno."

"So, what are you doing here? Are you here for Astraea? If so, sorry, but she is still sleeping and I want her to remain like that for a while."

"If that is the case, we will return when she wakes up. Do you know what breakfast she likes to have for today?" Mecia asked.

"The usual... pancakes and coffee."

"What about you, Reno, do you want something while you wait?" Claudia asked.

"Yes please, a cup of dark coffee and a newspaper."

"Okay then, we will fetch your request and prepare Astraea's breakfast,"

"Just call us if you need anything else," Claudia bowed before walking away with Mecia.

He watched them disappear in the corner before closing the door. While waiting he turned on the television to watch the morning news. The topic was yet again about Astraea and the video of her fighting the Red Iron Giant and how a certain publishing house named Meteor Publishing is searching for the actual identity of the girl on the viral video and that they will pay anyone that could provide them with information. As he continued to watch he got to know that Meteor Publishing is the one responsible for giving his master the title Fire Maiden.

"The name always followed you around... huh, Astraea," he chuckled while his eyes glanced at the sleeping princess.

After the news report segment ended, he turned off the television, but before he did it; the date on the screen caught his eyes. "Wait... how could I be so careless!" he exclaimed and ran towards the door. He swung it open, causing the two maids outside to jump slightly in surprise. "Oh... sorry, did I scare you?"

"Not at all, Reno," Mecia said. "Here is your coffee and newspaper. Do you want us to leave it on the coffee table?"

"No, scratch that. What date is today?"

Both maids glanced at each other before looking at the date on the newspaper. "Today is September 22, why... is there something wrong?" Claudia asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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