Chapter 18

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A/N: the first scene was taken from Episode Ardyn. I just made a few adjustments.


Recalling of the Past: The Cursed Blessing
"No matter how many good deeds you perform, your past sins cannot be erased" -Sheele (Akame ga Kill!)


Silence filled the room again the sound of the fire crackling and the ticking clock is the only sound that can be heard. The people here waiting for the founder king to speak. He had been silent for three minutes straight. For he is battling, his inner daemon as he remembered the last time he saw his dear brother. It was 15 years ago when Ardyn attacked the Crown city with Ifrit. The Adagium was able to defeat the young King Regis and he was forced to intervene. He did not know why he said those awful things to his brother.


"You were tainted - unfit to sit the throne," Somnus said in his Lucii form while fighting with Ardyn. "Please brother. Return to the darkness where you came.

"Now? But I'm having so much fun!" Ardyn replied sarcastically, "To think I'll get the pleasure of killing you myself," They continue to fight, "What's wrong dear brother? Too afraid to put down your expensive toy and come face me yourself," Ardyn continued to mock him, "Let the game begin!"

"This is no beginning... only the end..... This is preposterous! How could one so impure possess such power!? I was right to have you sealed away... You are truly a monster brother!"

He did not know why he acted like that knowing the truth about Ardyn and how he became the Adagium. Anger took him, that's the reason why Ardyn was able to defeat him with the help of the Infernian.

"I did to you was unforgiving. But I did it for the future of our kingdom- of our people" he said while he returned to his human form.

"A small sacrifice for the good of society, How noble!"

"Our line has done everything in our power to protect our people... just as the gods bade. I was merely fulfilling my calling." the founder king said while kneeling on the ground.

Ardyn chuckled, "... And here I thought I was the blessed one, but it was you all along,"

"I dare not ask your forgiveness, but I do ask for your understanding, I did it for As-"

Ardyn did not let him finish and shouted at him "WHAT?! You took everything from me... EVERYTHING... and you ask, my understanding!?"

He stopped for he remembered that Ardyn won't remember their sister, after all, her  existence was erased. What remained of Ardyn’s memory is how he took the crown from him. He wanted to tell him the truth about Astraea but he did not for Astraea still needed protection from him, from Diabolos. So he looked at his brother with sadness for he can’t do anything for him, he needs to wait for the King of Light and for his sister to come back to save him and the Eos.

"I pray your soul find repose... Brother..." Somnus softly said while his spirit disappeared.




He snapped from his trance as he heard the worried voice of the two guardians. He gazed at them, "My apologies..." he bent his head slightly. Reno and Cally looked at each other then back at the founder king.

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