Chapter 15

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The Dark Astral And The Weakness of One's Heart part 2
"The heart may be weak and sometimes it might even give in but I've learned that deep down there's a light that never goes out." -Tetsuya Nomura(Kingdom Hearts)

Astraea suddenly woke up and was able to stand up and look around. "Where am I?" her eyes darted across the darkness. "Reno....?" she turned around only to see darkness, "Mother!" she shouted, "Your Majesty!" she started to panic, "Noctis!" she spun around to see a silhouette, "Noct??" Astraea was about to walk over but she stopped when the silhouette became bigger and bigger. Her eyes widened to see Diabolos, the daemon grinned at her. She backed away but suddenly black tendrils burst out from the ground and wrapped her legs and her arms.

"Astraea Lumina...." Diabolos's voice sent shivers down to her spine as she tried to break free, the dark Astrals slowly hovered towards her, his giant bat wings beating slowly he stopped in front of her, "Are you afraid of me child?" Astraea was visibly scared, she cannot stop herself from trembling in his presence. Seeing this Diabolos chuckled darkly. "It's okay to be a scared child..." he mocked. Astraea breath became heavy and faster as her eyes and hair started to flicker.

"The Infernian is wrong to choose you, Astraea..." he laughed. "You no champion, you are just a scared little girl...." his laughter echoes around them.

Astraea closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "It's not time to be scared Astraea, you can do it! believe in yourself," she thought, "You're a warrior of light! FIGHT BACK!" her eyes suddenly snapped open. It glowed a deep red as her hair turned burst into flames. "I'm not scared of you Diabolos! You can show my fear! I will not back down!"

Diabolos's eyes widened in a split second then it sharpened at her and he chuckled darkly. "Dear child, I know your fear is nothing to you but your...." his tail raised her chin up so that he could gaze at her crimson eyes. "But your desire is stronger than your fear.." he grinned, "I can show it to can grant it to you...." before Astraea could react the tail plunged into her chest again and her scream pitched the darkness.


Back at the council room, the whole room gasped as they saw what was happening. they saw how Astraea head slumped down the pupils her eyes disappeared and became vacant and dulled. Diabolos's tail pulled out and Astraea fell on the ground, Diabolos wings spread wide as he chuckled deeply. He then turned to his side looking at someone, they all knew that he was looking at them through the purple flames. "Tried to save her this time guardian," his laughter faded with him.

"DIABOLOS!" Reno shouted as Astraea body started to be engulfed by the black tendril and sink into darkness and the video turned pitch black.

In the physical word Astraea started to thrash in pain, the starscourge started to spread the black tendrils appeared and crawled into her neck and down to shoulders.

"Astraea!" Aerith cried as she saw her daughter in pain. She was about to reach a hand towards the wound but Reno grabbed her hand in midair.

"STOP! You can be infected with the scourge if you do that!" Reno said as he pulled their hands away.

"Reno, she in pain I need to-"

"I know but you will just endanger yourself, just pray that Astraea will win just like the prince."

Aerith wanted to protest but the guardian is right, she will just endanger herself and the people around her, so she just backed away and put her hands on her chest and prayed to the Astrals to seek help.

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