Chapter 7

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The New Prophecy And The Forgotten Bond
"Things fade in time as do many things in this world. But there are some things that we cannot let disappear." -Lucrecia Crescent (Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus).


Three days after the King met Reno the Messenger and revelation he had heard, he barely came out of his chamber and he was only seen when there was an important meeting. Clarus his shield was worried for his friend and went to visit him. He knocked on the door of the King's chambers three times.

"Your Majesty, Clarus here, may I can in?

"Yes, come in," Regis answered in a low voice.

Clarus greeted the King with the bow. Regis greeted him back with a nod while sitting on his desk. Clarus saw the bags under his eyes and questioned him.

"Are you okay Your Majesty? You seem very stressed lately."

The king just glanced at him and returned his attention to the paper in front of him.

"Regis, please tell me what is happening to you," Clarus asked, his voice full of concern.

"I'm fine Clarus," Regis stood up and walked slowly towards him. The monarch put his sturdy hand on his shield shoulder for support as he passed him.

"Are you really okay?"

"Yes Clarus, you don't have to worry. I just have a lot of things on my mind right now," Regis said as he smiled sincerely at him. "So what is our agenda for today?" he asked as he started to walk away from him.

"You have a meeting with the council, they what to know about the girl,"

"Astraea?" What about her?" Regis stopped and turned to him.

"They want to know why you're keeping her here, they heard about what happened in one room of the medical Wing, and they saw the report about the attack on Galahad."

"Who gave them the report?" Regis asked, his voice had anger to it.

"Drautos, Your Majesty,"

Regis sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I told him not to release that report just yet,"

"Do you want me to summon him, Your Majesty?"

"Yes, call him immediately and summon Marshal Leonis as well and cancel the council meeting, we will have the meeting after I talk to Drautos."

"Understood," Clarus answered with a bow.

After Clarus left his chambers, Regis slumped down in one armchair. He took a deep breath and covered his face with his hands as he rubbed his eyes gently. As he remembered the night that changed everything. Reno's revelation about Astraea and where her ability came from and the new prophecy. Still, bother him as Reno's voice still echoed through his head.

"When darkness veils the world, The Flame, and the Light will be called once more. The bond that was forgotten will be one and the call of the Astrals shall be heard."

Regis did not believe and was skeptical at first at the Messenger, But when Reno's started to reveal to him everything as sincerely as he could. The messenger gained his trust and he listened to him all night long. The revelation shocked him to his core. He could not believe it and didn't want to believe that the history that was told by his forefathers is a lie. He remembered questioning the history of The Kingdom of Lucis when he was young. Because there are little or no real records about it and no one really knew the truth in how the Kingdom of Lucis came to be and the founder King's existence is all shrouded in mystery. The new prophecy and Reno's revelation gave light to these questions and now was answered. It greatly affected him that he is not able to sleep well for the past three days. It's not the new prophecy that bothers with so much but the truth behind Astraea's existence. Reno told him every last detail of who Astraea really is and his relation to her.

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