Chapter 9

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The Champion of the Astrals, Ifrit's Flame and Bahamut's Light
"We were chosen, but what were we chosen for?"-Seven (Final Fantasy Type-0)


King Regis took a deep sigh of relief after watching Astraea kill the last sabertusk. As the people in the room relaxed with him as they continued watching the flames.

Back on the Longwythe desert, Astraea pulled out the dagger from the chest of the sabertusk she just killed second ago and put it back on its sheath and put it inside her left boot again.

"That six for me and 5 for you Noct, I win!" she said triumphantly as she looked behind her to see Noctis bending down his hands on his knees and panting.

"That's not fair, you had a head start," Noctis glanced at her while catching his breath.

"Speaking of not fair, what about you using a sword while I only have a dagger," Astraea said as she ravaged inside her satchel. "Not only that you have the advantage in weaponry, but you also have that skill where you can warp around." Astraea paused and gaze at Noctis who now back on his feet and looking at her, "Where do you get that skill Noct?" she asked her hands still inside her satchel.

Noctis averted his eyes, "Well, that's..." he scratched the back of his head as he remembered the fight early when he used his warping ability to saved Astraea when a sabertusk attacked her from behind, Astraea thank him and they continue to fight off the remaining sabertusk side by side.

"That skill is from..." he trailed off as he does not want to tell Astraea the truth that he is the Crown Prince and he is born with that power, he tried to come up with a lie to tell her when he heard Astraea called to him.

"Noct heads up!"

Noctis turned to her as Astraea threw him bottled water and he was able to catch it. "Thanks," he twisted the cap open and drank half of it.

"Are you a kingsglaive in training?" Astraea said as she threw a towel to him this time.

"Yes," he caught the towel and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"Really! that's so cool,"

Noctis can see the excitement in Astraea brown eyes, he smiled at her.

"Phew, that's one way to avoid the topic, "

"Does the Kingsglaives accept everyone willy nilly?" Astarea said as she looked down at the map on her hand.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Noctis asked as he walked beside her.

Astraea looked at him and smiled, "I thought Kingsglaves needed to be quick and agile and ready for anything," Astraea gazed at him from head to toe. "Maybe I heard it wrong," she said still smiling and looking at the map again. "To be honest you don't look Kingsglaive material."

Noctis scoffed, "For your information, I'm always ready but as you said, I'm a trainee, still have a lot to learn," the Prince said as he crossed his arms and glared at Astraea.

Astraea turned to him and burst out laughing, "I'm only joking Noct,"

Noctis' anger disappeared as he saw her smiling. The Prince doesn't why that he fell very close to her as if they had been friends from the very start. He could not explain his feelings but he liked it.

"Well it's not a very good joke," Noctis let out a puff of frustration.

Astraea just smiles and held a peace sign. Noctis shook his head and lowered his arms.

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