Chapter 28

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A/N: WARNING!!!! Depictions of violence and manor/guest character's death.

Recalling of the Past: The Flames of Rebirth
"Bet you don't know why the sun sets red... You see, light is made up of lots of colours and out of all these colours, red is the one that travels the farthest,"
-Axel (Kingdom Hearts)


"Sorry, Astraea, that is not a good idea..."

"Please Reno...I want to go there," she pleaded, grabbing his right hand and giving it a soft squeeze.

"Sorry, Princess... but It's too dangerous there, please pick another place to go. I can take you anywhere just not there."

Astraea's demeanor changed her pleading eyes turned sharp as she let go of his hand, He gulped knowing what is going to happen next.

"Reno, I'm ordering you to take me to Angelgard right now!"

"Astraea please don't do this," he whispered, his marks started to glow. "C'mon please don't force me."

She shook her head and remained firm. "No! Take me to Angelgard!"

His marks became more vibrant trying to refuse the order. But in the end, he gave in, sighing in exasperation. "Are you sure you have amnesia?"

"Yes, why would you ask that?"

"Because you're bossy as ever," he chuckled, while Astraea frowned. "I'm joking," he grabbed both of her hands and patted the top of it. "If you really want to go there, I don't have a choice to follow your command, come let's go," he dragged her towards the alleyway. "I can't fly there so we need to teleport again. I need you to hug me and do not let go okay? The island is far away and this is the first time for me to teleport that far."

"Will you be okay, Reno?"

"Don't worry about me, I will be okay," he smiled and winked at her. "Are you ready?" she nodded. "Well then let us go," he gently hugged her, his wings bursting out and engulfing them. He saw the astonishment in her eyes, with a smile he said. "Okay now...hold on tight, Princess."

The Fire Maiden tightened her embrace. They both glowed red with a flash of red light, they disappeared and reappeared on the rocky shoreline of the island of Angelgard. As Reno's wings disappeared, he felt on his knees gasping.

"Reno, are you alright?" Astraea asked, trying to help the guardian back to his feet.

"I'm fine..." he smiled. "I am just not used to teleporting that far and I have not used my ability for a while, so it takes getting used to again. Please don't worry I'm fine, how about you, are you alright?" she nodded. "Good to hear," he stood up and dusted his clothes, taking a deep breath he announced. "Astraea, welcome to the island of Angelgard."

The princess's eyes darted around. "Why do I feel so heavy?"

"Because you're standing at the center of power in of all, Eos."

"Oh... that explains it," she said, walking past him.

"Be careful, Astraea, here take my hand," he guided the princess through the rocky shoreline.

Within minutes they arrived at the center of the island, Reno saw how Astraea's body became rigid as they stood in front of a giant rock, nine golden staves towered around it and at the center was an opening.

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