Chapter 24

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A/N: Warning: Graphic depictions of violence and character death.

Recalling of The Past: The Eternal Flames And The Fire Maiden
"No matter how dark the night, morning always comes, and our journey begins anew" -Lulu (Final Fantasy X)


After a few seconds, both master and guardian broke their embrace. Reno wiped Astraea tears away and smiled at her, "Haven't I told you I hate to see you crying?" he asked.

"No," Astraea shook her head, "But now I knew, so I promise I won't cry again..."

"Can you promise you won't die instead?" he chuckled.

She shook her head again, "Sorry can't do that, my destiny is now set in stone, Reno. nobody can change it,"

"Worth a try," he winked and stood and held his hand to her. She took it and rose to her feet, "So how long do we need to wait here?"

"Don't know... Aera said this is their meeting place hers and Ardyn's. She might be searching for him now,"

Before Reno could speak they heard footsteps heading towards them. They both looked at the entrance to see Ardyn and Aera stepping out from the darkness.

"BROTHER!" Astraea ran towards the couple but Reno stepped forward and blocked her path.


The guardian's eyes narrowed at Ardyn's who stopped in his tracks as he saw them.

"You should have not brought me here Aera, I should go," Ardyn hurriedly said as he turned around.

"Wait! Brother, please don't go!" Astraea pleaded while Reno kept on blocking her way.

"Astraea is dangerous... we need to take precauti -"

"Stand aside!!" she shouted at him, "Let me through RENO!" his marks glowed and he stood aside. While her master took a step forward, "Please Ardyn, let us talk, I miss you, brother..."

Ardyn stopped and turned around, "Astraea...I can't... I'm afraid I will hurt you again..." he said in a low voice.

Suddenly Astraea summoned several fireballs and it hovered around them, "There we are safe! The whispers won't be able to come out and take you... please brother... I want to talk,"

Ardyn looked at Aera, she nodded, "Go ahead... my love...Astraea has been waiting for months for this" He then looked at Reno, who was still eyeing him and then at Astraea who's now on the brink of crying. With a deep breath, he started to walk towards his sister.

Astraea started to walk towards her brother followed by Reno who's just a few feet away they met half-way. Before Ardyn could talk The Fire Maiden gave him a good punch on the stomach. The Healer went down on his knee and arms, gasping for air, "Why did you do that!"

"Do what? hurt you? Ardyn asked as he rose to his feet.

"No, why did you leave the place and did not come back!"

"Oh that... I'm scared that I might hurt you or Somnus. So I decided to be away from you, Please understand Astraea, I'm doing this to protect all of you," he stood up.

Astraea did not speak, she just hugged Ardyn tightly. The older brother was hesitant at first but returned the hug.

"I miss you..." she whispered.

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