Chapter 2

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"Noooo, you're so shit" I scoff when he dies on the game.

"You died first" he defends.

"I got more kills" I boost no sarcasm laced through my words.

"Yeah, whatever ugly" he pushes me off the couch and I fall to the floor.

"Ow!" I swat his leg while he laughs his ass off, I stand back onto my feet and fall back onto the couch with a scowl. 

A loud knock sounds the door, "Pizzaaaa" I jump up and run to the door.

"You're crazy" Ace says but I ignore, I am too hungry.

"Thank you" I take the pizza and give the pizza guy the money.

"Hi" he says staring into my eyes giving me a boyish smirk. He has dirty blond hair, a slim build with a gorgeous white smile, his sharp jawline and his eyes forest green.

"Hi" I blush. 

"Steven" he reaches to shake my hand.

"Camila" I oblige shaking his hand after I put the pizza on the side table.

"You new here?" he asks.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I question.

"I've never seen your beautiful face here before" He smiles.

"Thanks" I blush a little more looking down at my feet, feeling odd with the compliments. Brandon was the only guy that has given me comments to me like this.

"Hey, where the fucks the pizza?" Ace says as he enters the hall, he picks the pizza up and walks off glancing back our way, seeming more interested wih the pizza.

"Is that your boyfriend?" he ask rising his brow.

"Ew! No, he's my brothers best friend" I laugh off the disgusted tone in my voice.

"So, I can get your number?" he runs his hand through his hair with a small smile, like he's nervous. 

"Hm yeah, why not" I blush shyly, how else will I gain friends or a potenial boyfriend. 

He hands me his phone and I put my number into it, I hand him the phone back with a confident smile. 

"I have more pizzas to deliver.." he chuckles "I'll text you" he smiles and gives me a small wave as he walks backwards, I return the gesture as he leaves and close the door, I walk into the living room and plop onto the couch, digging into the pizza sat on the coffee table.

"What took you so long?" he asks taking a large bite from his slice. 

"The pizza guy asked for my number" I shrug feeling confident that i've only been here a couple hours and already been complimented. 

"Pizza guy...really?" He laughs at him.

"Yes, Steven" I nod.

"Great job he's got" he says full of sarcasm.

"Least he's got one" I snap taking a bite of my pizza.

"Yeah, a shit one" he leans back taking another large bite, almost eating the full slice with two bites.

"Shut up" I say sternly.

"You're not going out with him" he calmly says like he isn't commanding me around like my father. 

"You're not my brother or my dad so you don't decide" I scoff. No one can, not even Asher.

"Whatever" he rolls his eyes.

It was awkward for about ten minutes because I was annoyed with him, He doesn't have the right to play protective. Him being his calm self just sat there not saying a word and ate pizza like he didn't just get on my nerves.

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