Chapter 36

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I awaken abruptly feeling my stomach churn, I untangle my body with Aces. I pull Ace's t-shirt over my head that was on the floor and a pair of new panties from the drawer. I walk down the hall to the bathroom at a fast pace as quiet as possible. As soon as I lock the door behind me and bend down hovering over the toilet the puke comes up. Ugh..I'm fed up of feeling sick, I shouldn't have made dinner last night I've probably poisoned myself and probably Ace and Ash. I puke one more time feeling much better, I wipe my mouth with tissue and flush the toilet.

"Cam", Ace lightly knocks on the door when I begin to run myself a bath. I unlock the door, he opens the door slightly and slips through locking it behind him.

"Are you okay?", He asks rubbing his sleepy eyes. He looks so hot as his grey boxers hang long on his v-line, I can see the outline of his..thing. I ignore the shiver running down my spine and spread between my legs.

"Yeah, I'm fine", I nod forcing a smile.

"You sure? you look like shit", He lifts his hand to my forehead. I can feel the sweat coated on my forehead as he checks my temperature. 

I feel drowsy and odd, maybe it isn't something I ate. "Wow, thanks. I think I'm just tired", I shrug. I pour bubble bath into the tub and drop a purple and pink bath bomb, it begins to dissolve and the water begins to turn into a purply pink colour.

"You sure? you're a bit hot", He places his hand under his t-shirt I'm wearing and on my bare back. "You're sweating" He hisses with a frown dawning on his face.

"I'm fine, probably just a bug" I huff. I turn the tap and the steaming hot water stops. I pull his t-shirt off my body along with my panties. He sits on the toilet seat watching me with concern like I'm about to die. I dip my toe into the hot water but immediately pull back. Holy shit, that's hot! I ease my foot into the water before stepping another foot in, I slowly sit down and lean back. My body instantly relaxes. I close my eyes letting the water sink into my pores.



"You're okay right?", Worry in his voice.

"I'm fine"


"I promise", I open my eyes to look at him, he seems so sad. I remember he wouldn't show emotion, only happiness.



"Are you okay?", I ask raising my brows at him.

"I am, if you are", He forces a smile, I smile and close my eyes again. We only have a few days until we leave to go home even though this is more of a home to me now. I'm dreading seeing my father on Christmas, I know he'll come around and I don't want to see him. Not right now anyway, it's still all recent for me. Aces phone begins to ring from the bedroom down the hall, which is loud and ruining my bath time.

"Hold on", He groans. He leaves the bathroom coming back a few seconds later with a scowl on his face.

"What's wrong?", I ask in concern.

"Nothing", He shakes his head. Odd but whatever. He places his phone on the sink facing down and sighs. I ignore trying to enjoy my bath, I'm feeling a lot better than I did but now I'm just hungry. 

"You sure you're okay?", He asks again.

"Ask me one more time i swear to.."

"Okay..okay", He puts his arms up in surrender.

"You hungry?", He questions like he can read my mind.

"Yeah I am", I feel a smile curl on my lips at the thought of food.

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