Chapter 49

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It's been two weeks. I'm back in the apartment flying through classes and none stop studying to distract myself from everything and so I catch up on all the work I've missed. Ace stayed with his mother to help her get through the days of her missing son, he told me she's getting worse the longer Brad is gone. She begun praying each night hoping for him to return home safely, Ace says it's torture watching his mother fall apart but he'd never leave her side until Brad is back, home safe and sound but he thinks he won't return.

George, their brother. Went back to his own apartment to watch after the mother of his child during her pregnancy, he checks in everyday for both Ace and their mother. He feels helpless being the older brother not being able to do a thing about his younger brother being missing. 

I've kept in contact each day with Ace since I left my hometown, we haven't seen each other in two weeks and I'm craving his touch. We still haven't slept together, the last time was over a month ago but I have no trouble waiting because there is more important things to worry about.

Last night Ace invited me over for the weekend and of course I said yes, I can't wait until I see him again. He was so excited when I agreed, he literally scream "Yea, Baby!",  and clapped his hands a few times through FaceTime. It was like he was a little child. His face lit up with excitement, showing his pristine white teeth. He says me being there with him will lift his spirits up which he said jokingly but deep down I know it's true. I told Asher that I will be having a sleepover with Julia this weekend, he just nodded like he couldn't care less. I packed my duffel bag. The bag brings back memories, I used this bag for cheerleading in high school, I miss my cheerleading days. I make sure to pack his Christmas gift which I'm super excited to give him now.

During these two weeks I haven't been sad at all. Sure, I've been angry because I'm hot-headed and the little things bother me but not once have I been upset, apart from missing Ace and some night I think about the baby.

I'm currently on the bus on the way to my hometown, my mother doesn't know I'll be in town and I'm making sure it stays that way. Lillian agreed on me coming but insisted Ace and I sleep in separate room. Ace wasn't happy at all about it but he gave me a cheeky wink through FaceTime knowing he'd just sneak in when she was asleep. Lillian said she wouldn't say a word to my mother, which I'm thankful for. I'm just not ready for people knowing about Ace and I, he agrees. Once I'm off the bus, I look right to left before crossing over into the parking lot.

"Cam!", Ace shouts. I cock my head in his direction. When I spot him leaning against his truck I smile brightly, he flashes me a smirk in return. I walk fast towards him through the dull rainy dark night.

Stupid dress.

When in front of him I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him down towards me, he wraps his long arms around the smalls of my back lifting me up off my feet, I wrap my legs around him holding him tighter.

"I missed you"

"I missed you too", I kiss his lips, lingering longer than a peck.

He places me down on my feet a few moments later, I hop into his truck the happiest I've ever been. Ace climbs in the driver seat looking my way with the perfect smirk plastered on his face, "What?", I chuckle raising my brow.

"You're just beautiful", He looks me up and down.

"Thank you, so are you", I blush pinching his cheeks, his face turns bright red and he rolls his eyes.

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